Weedle Line

Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Weedle Bug/Poison Shield Dust Poison Touch Run Away Tangling Hair 40 35 30 50 20 20
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Forests continent-wide Inapplicable 1 Spe 255 Pomeg Berry; Choice Specs Hairy Bug 195 RGBY 0.3 m 3.2 kg Ø Kakuna,Level7
Dex Entry
Weedle has painful, stinging hairs along its body. A trained one can render these harmless if it desires.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Kakuna Bug/Poison Shed Skin Effect Spore Stamina Shell Armor 45 25 50 35 25 25
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Weedle Inapplicable 2 Def 120 Ø Cocoon 205 RGBY 0.6 m 10.0 kg Infested Beedrill,Level10; Buzlybub,InfestedFormLevel25
Dex Entry
Kakuna can grow extremely warm during pupation. Villages in the far north may use them as makeshift stoves.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Beedrill Bug/Poison Swarm Poison Touch Sniper Levitate 65 90 40 75 45 80
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Kakuna Bug 2 Atk; 1 SpDef 45 Poison Barb Wasp 385 RGBY 1.0 m 29.5 kg δ; δ2; Mega Ø
Dex Entry
An attack by a swarm of Beedrill is reserved for defense of a colony. Otherwise, they act solitarily.
