Sandshrew Line

Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Sandshrew Ground Sand Veil Rough Skin Sand Rush Sharp Edge 50 75 85 40 20 30
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Deserts, dry caves, and rocky areas continent-wide; Fields in Kanto Field 1 Def 255 Grip Claw; Soft Sand Armadillo 300 RGBY 0.6 m 12.0 kg Ø Sandslash,Level22
Dex Entry
Sandshrew is one of the few Pokémon found throughout Orre. It burrows through the sand to find hidden pockets of water.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Sandslash Ground Grounding Iron Barbs Sand Rush Sharp Edge 75 100 110 65 45 55
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Sandshrew Field 2 Def 90 Grip Claw; Razor Claw Pangolin 450 RGBY 1.0 m 29.5 kg Mega Ø
Dex Entry
Sandslash is fiercely territorial. Those who pass through a Sandslash's nesting grounds often come out with a few spines left in them.
