Pikachu Line

Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HPAttack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Pikachu Electric Zappy Lightning Rod Mold Breaker Galvanize 35 55 40 90 50 50
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Forests continent-wide; Developed fields and thin woods; Highlands in Almia Field 2 Spe 190 Light Ball Pika 320 RGBY 0.4 m 6.0 kg δ; Mega; Gigant; Rift Raichu,ThunderStone; Hodachu,SunStone
Dex Entry
It has been said that some Pikachu can emit enough electricity to fry an Onix. This doesn't seem right, but I don't know enough about Pikachu to dispute it.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Pichu Electric Static Cute Charm Recoil Power Galvanize 20 40 15 60 35 35
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Breed Pikachu Ø 1 Spe 190 Ø Tiny Pika 205 GSC 0.3 m 2.0 kg δ; Variant Pikachu,HappinessLevel10; Pikotton,HappinessLevel10ShinyStone
Dex Entry
It is still inept at retaining electricity. When it is startled, it discharges power accidentally. It gets better at holding power as it grows older.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Raichu Electric Zappy Lightning Rod Mold Breaker Galvanize 60 90 55 110 90 80
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Pikachu Field 3 Spe 75 Ø Voltage 485 RGBY 0.8 m 30.0 kg δ; Mega; Gigant Ø
Dex Entry
In the past, it was thought to be a related species to Pikachu. Professor Westwood discovered that Raichu is Pikachu's rare fully-evolved form.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Hodachu Electric/Psychic Sweet Dreams Surge Surfer Levitate Psionic Infusion 60 85 50 110 95 85
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Pikachu Field 3 Spe 75 Ø Hodad 485 SM 0.7 m 21.0 kg Mega Ø
Dex Entry
Despite their general aesthetic, Hodachu don't actually surf. This is the origin of their name.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Pikotton Electric/Fairy Static Sweet Veil Lightning Rod Fluffy 55 40 85 75 90 75
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Pichu Field/Fairy 2 SpAtk 190 Whipped Dream; Light Ball Cotton Mouse 420 Clover 0.4 m 3.5 kg Mega Ø
Dex Entry
Pikotton was only recently discovered. Pichu older than a few years cannot evolve into them.
