Cloucat Line

Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Cloucat Flying Condensation Cloud Nine Fluffy Shower Power 40 64 35 80 64 35
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Lush mountains in Orre; Sakhal Field/Amorphous 1 Spe 45 Whipped Dream Cloud 318 Clover 0.3 m 0.1 kg Ø Felimbus,Level16
Dex Entry
Cloucat can be seen floating aimlessly high in the air. They absorb water vapor to keep themselves hydrated and fluffy.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Felimbus Flying/Dark Tough Claws Cloud Nine Blood Lust Shower Power 50 80 50 95 80 50
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Cloucat Field/Amorphous 2 SpDef 45 Whipped Dream Raincloud 405 Clover 1.2 m 9.0 kg Ø Deathorus,Level36
Dex Entry
It sucks moisture from the air to look bigger. Impurities like CO2 are used to harden its claws.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Deathorus Flying/Dark Tough Claws Cloud Nine Blood Lust Shower Power 75 95 70 125 90 70
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Felimbus Field/Amorphous 3 SpDef 45 Whipped Dream Death Storm 525 Clover 2.0 m 30.2 kg Mega Ø
Dex Entry
Deathorus can be found skulking around vicious storms, looking for prey displaced by the violent weather.
