Chespin Line

Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Chespin Grass Overgrow Rough Skin Bulletproof Stamina 56 61 65 38 48 45
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Forests in Almia; Desert's edge in Orre; Haruba Village area Field 1 Def 45 Coba Berry Hedgehog 313 XY 0.4 m 9.0 kg Ø Quilladin,Level16
Dex Entry
The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Quilladin Grass Overgrow Rough Skin Bulletproof Stamina 61 78 95 57 56 58
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Chespin Field 2 Def 45 Coba Berry Hedgehog 405 XY 0.7 m 29.0 kg Ø Chesnaught,Level,36
Dex Entry
They strengthen their lower bodies by running into one another. They are very kind and won't start fights.
Name Typing Ability1 Ability2 Ability3 Ability4 HP Attack Defense Speed SpecialAttack SpecialDefense
Chesnaught Grass/Fighting Overgrow Ancient Body Bulletproof Stamina 88 107 122 64 74 75
Environment EggGroup EVs CatchRate WildItems 'Kind' BST Origin AvgHeight AvgWeight Forms Evolutions
Evolve Quilladin Field 3 Def 45 Coba Berry Juggernaut 530 XY 1.6 m 90.0 kg Mega; BREAK Ø
Dex Entry
Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.
