The Lookout

"W-what?! Dad?!"

"Hey Gotenks! It's aight, you can defuse now."

The fusion wheezes, its energy levels spiking downwards before a blinding flash comes out. The others present cover their eyes; when they look back, it's just Goten and Trunks laying down on the ground, rubbing their heads while sitting in a puddle of pink gunk.

"Piccolo... you mind cleaning up Buu?"

"U-uh, sure thing, Gogeta."

Gogeta huffs, before turning to the rather surprised Gohan.

"S-so... you're Gogeta, huh?"

"Yup!" the fusion shouts, pointing at himself. His smile quickly lowers. "We don't have much time. Come on, follow me."

"What's your plan...? You aren't strong enough to... to take on Broly the way he is now."

"Saiyan God."

"Oh. Oh. Yeah, okay," he replies. Goten coughs as Gohan picks him up and puts him on his shoulder. "Hey Trunks, you coming?"


Gohan shrugs before picking him up.


"Uncle Raditz!"

"Oof!" Raditz stumbles back as Goten barrels into him, causing Zana and Trunks to giggle. Gogeta laughs as well, before clapping his hands. All the saiyans present turn to look at him.

"All right guys, everyone's counting on us."

Zana raises a hand. "Gha... dhata dewhunai asoco, taisheetae ano eecheejhee jican conho dhata obata...?" Gogeta scratches his head and squints as he parses her words in Vegeta-Go. Other than the frequent aspiration of consonants, her accent is very reminiscent of Russian.

"Don't worry, we'll walk you through it. Everyone link up."

Piccolo watches from the other end of the lookout, nodding sagely. His work here is done. ... He should probably check on Dende, he thinks as he slips into the shadows.

The saiyans all hold hands, with the exception of Gogeta, who turns away and crosses his arms. The two to his left and right, Gohan and Raditz, place their palms on his back.


Energy ripples through the saiyans, starting with Zana at the back and ripping through Trunks and Goten, then Raditz and Gohan, and finally into Gogeta. They all stiffen – blue fiery energy sneaks out, glowing as it sparks! A yellow beacon of light explodes upwards, ripping through the sky! The participants' hair also goes yellow: the three who can transform turn into Super Saiyans, while Raditz and his adopted daughter's hair glow a softer yellow as deep, ancient energy sparks within them.

Only for a sudden pull to snatch the energy (and the yellow) from them and infuse it into the fusion before them. Raditz squints as powerful red light exudes from the selected god, reducing his frame to a silhouette: torrents of wind buffet what little vegetation is up here.

The light fades... to reveal a Gogeta with deep red hair and eyes and a suffocating aura; Godgeta, if you will. He turns around to the other saiyans, grinning.

"Thanks guys! We'll see you later!"


Freezer's Ship: The Brig

"All right Lemo... the plan is we run out with these: I'm on gun duty, you're gonna carry them, okay?"

"Got it, Cheelai! If we get two wishes I'll ask for a ship. Otherwise I'll just beam us to Vampa."

"Heheh, yeah! ... hey, you think Freezer knows what we're up to...?"

"Definitely. But Berriblue said we were too valuable... he would think twice before taking us out. And that should be just enough time...!"

Throne Room

"And... you are certain, Berriblue?"

"Yes, Lord Freezer~. The Dragon appears to grant three wishes, barring special circumstances. Circumstances which the traitors will not invoke with their two requests."

"Excellent. We shall let them live for now, since it gets Broly out of our hair. Oh, how lucky those little worms are! Once they domesticate that brute I will have to think of a way to punish them, don't you agree...?"

"Of course, Lord. Treason is unforgivable~."

"Just… according… to plan."

Round 10: Saiyan God Gogeta vs. Super Full Power Broly

The Saiyan God manifests before Broly, startling him ("Hrngh!"). He shoots up, straightening his back as he inspects the newcomer.

"... Who the hell are you?"

"Kakarotto and Vegeta have merged into one to take you down, Broly!"

"I don't remember either of you having red hair." The Legendary Super Saiyan snorts, flexing a bicep. "Or being much of a match for me! Though this is convenient - both of you at once."

"Heheh! Prepare to find out... the power of a Saiyan God!"


Gogeta rushes forwards, blinking in and out of sight and charging up two blue energy spheres in his palms! Broly steps back, raising his arms: just in time, as the two God Punisher Orbs explode against his block soon after. He senses the shifting of wind and pivots around, throwing a punch.

And a hit! He barely parries Godgeta's kick with his own punch. The fusion scowls, teleporting to the opposite side before charging up two more God Punisher Orbs. Broly takes off charging, forming a couple of his own Eraser Cannon spheres. They're thrown recklessly as he rushes, though, and Gogeta twists around all of them before smacking his attacks into him point-blank: God Punisher Slap!

Gogeta definitely, however, did not expect Broly to power through his attack, twist around, and shove his fist through the fusion's face. He staggers, his godly power keeping him intact but not doing anything for the pain of getting decked in the fucking face.

What follows is a quick flurry of blows, Broly thrashing and howling in murderous delight while Gogeta stoically blocks, jabs, and occasionally supplements his attack with God Punisher Orbs and Dragon Shots.

A blast, stronger than the others, bursts against Broly's pecs – only to blind him for a split second as he keeps throwing punches. It's clear – even though Gogeta has higher technical skill, Broly is for the moment more powerful than him. The Legendary Saiyan smirks, and lunges.


"Nows my chance!"

Quick as lightning, Gogeta pulls his hands back and sparks blue energy. Red aura flares around him as he fires out the word "KAMEHAMEHA!" and showers Broly with scorching ki.

Unfortunately for him, the stronger-than-when-Gohan-left Broly just plows through it, grabs Gogeta by the chest, and slams him into the rocky ground before dragging him through the dirt. He rockets forwards for almost a hectometer before suddenly tossing him up and decking him.

As he flies through the air Godgeta manages to stabilize himself, and fires off a Continuous Energy Bullet barrage. Broly smashes into the ground and counters with his own Gigantic Cluster wave! It's... a warzone, as explosive energy bullets rip across the land faster than the eye can see.

Yunzabit Heights would never be the same (if not for the Dragon Balls, that is).

A kick.

A punch.

A red explosion of energy.

It's too fast to follow.

The two greatest saiyans of the age wrassle, trying to get a grip on each other. Godgeta's divine strength is overwhelming, but… Broly is like twice his size. He's pushed back,

"So, fusion," the Legendary Saiyan snarls as he pushes against his opponent. "Is this not exciting?" He guffaws, spittle flying as Gogeta is forced to his knees. His arms shake as Broly forces him downwards, into the ground, pushing…!

"… Kaioken."

Gogeta's power suddenly doubles: considering his current strength, that is a MASSIVE gap. Broly's eyes go wide as a foot suddenly appears in his vision for a single frame! The next thing he knows he's whizzing through the air, shaking the stars out of his vision as he hears a distant shout…


And the world goes white. And the world is pain.

"… So. This… is the power of… a god?"

Gogeta just looks on at the crumpled body beneath him. He sighs.

"Broly… earlier, Goku said that he knew you were not my enemy… Vegeta thought otherwise. … Which one was wrong, Broly?"

"… What…? Of course I'm your enemy. You're part Kakarotto," the saiyan spits. His eyes squint in confusion. "Are you soft, fusion? What have I ever done, to elicit your sympathy?"

"… You made a friend."


Gogeta gives a wry smirk, tapping his head. "It's not my speciality… but Goku trained under Master Roshi; it wasn't his speciality either, but he was a bit of a telepath." He thinks of the events of Goku's first tournament, so many years ago… Nam, and Ranfan, and everyone… "You really aren't evil deep down in your core, aren't you? Not like Freezer or Cell was. You're just… you've been messed up."

"What are you blabbering about?!" he screams as he lurches upwards, his insides screaming in protest "I've slaughtered billions! I CRUSHED MY FATHER WITH MY OWN TWO–!"

And he's knocked back down, flat on his back. His vision goes black as Gogeta charges a small yet ominous ki blast in his palm: a Big Bang Attack?

"It's futile, Broly. Repent, and the Goku in me might give you another chance. Or finally die by Vegeta's hand."

This Gogeta… is infuriating! He doesn't want his pity, but… no! Broly is not good! Broly is not soft!

His vision returns, the visage of Gogeta's crackling orb filling it: his rage only increases. He wanted a fight against Kakarotto! Kakarotto! And a fight! A glorious fight to the death! Not a slaughter, a pep-talk!




Gogeta sighs as his downed opponent heaves. His tail-tip twitches with reluctance. Broly… that name carries so much negativity and dread. But… even after all these years, it's never been in Goku's nature to kill someone who wasn't evil to the core. And Broly… apparently, isn't.

He lost his memory, once.

Broly's eyes go red as he gurgles in fury, clenching his fists. The rock under his hands is crushed into dust.

He was innocent; he has friends.

The Legendary Super Saiyan growls, his aura roaring! Stone is thrown up, the area for miles around being reduced to a flat plane!

He… doesn't have to end like this.

His aura suddenly stills like an ominous sea. Broly's eyes reduce to slits: his hair spikes up, and electricity crackles.

He's a threat to the Earth.

"Stardust Breaker."

Round Finalé: Super Saiyan God Gogeta vs. Hyper Full Power Broly

. . .


Gogeta surveys the landscape, eyes widening. That Broly… he really isn't dead or purged, is he…? He can feel it. His ki is too large for him to hide… how did he resist Stardust Breaker…?

There is a massive gash in the earth before him. It takes up almost his entire field of view, the newly created canyon (wait, that isn't right!). Magma bursts from the sides, filling it like a cement mixer from hell: almost, almost obscuring the glowing green body several kilometers away (Broly must have done something!).


"Oh… there he is," he says, scratching the back of his head. The Legendary Super Saiyan roars, exploding with raw energy. It seems… that while he was down, he had been getting really, really worked up!

"Is Broly… a Super Saiyan 2?!"

Said Broly heaves forwards, snorting green light. His blank white eyes bore into Gogeta's twin souls.

"Ka… kaka… vegeta…!"

One instant, he's five kloms away, leering at the fusion.

The very next he's immediately before him, left hand raised in a bludgeoning manner. His torso is absolutely ravaged by the effects of the Stardust Breaker, but he doesn't slow down in the slightest: Gogeta blinks before the third instant passes and he finds himself blown backwards, skidding along the ground up to be against the nearest surviving mountain.

"That Broly… he doesn't know when to stop!"

His senses alert him to an incoming attack! On instinct he jukes to the left, barely avoiding… whatever it is that just cleaved a hole through the mountain. He twists, turns, ducks…! All he can see are slivers, blurs of viridescent neon rushing by.

"Instant Trans-*gack*!"

A hole in his gut. At least, it feels that way. He looks up at the massive form before him, leering.


"Oh, man, he's really lost it…"

He barely dodges the next punch, Broly's skin rubbing against his torso. This time, this time, he manages to teleport away.

"Crap, crap, crap! I probably only have a few minutes of fusion and god time left!"

Gogeta screams, placing his hands forwards to target Broly. The Legendary Saiyan only has a moment's notice before–


A sudden storm of orbs! The ferocity! The power! They rocket out of Gogeta's hands, shredding the air before them towards Broly! … Broly dodges them with ease. Gogeta's eyes slowly widen as Broly steps out of the way of one, then another, then proceeds to repeatedly wink out of existence as he stutters closer.

And the distance closes once again, as Broly remanifests with his hand around Gogeta's neck. He cackles, clearly not sane like he claims.


"Heheh… HUAGH!"

Half the population of planet is blinded as the world turns golden with energy and light. Broly's forced back, shielding his eyes as the very unexpected power blasts him backwards. What?! Gogeta… can transform even further?!

The fusion touches down, his aura filling the entirety of Broly's vision. His red hair… spiking up, like a Super Saiyan! It's… it's unreal!

"W… what are you?!"

Gogeta smirks.

"I didn't want to have to do this, Broly. I probably only have a minute of fusion left like this. … But. This! Is a Super Saiyan God!"

"S-super Saiyan God…?!"

"That's right. My power is the highest it's ever been."

The Lookout

Zana stammers: "N-nhoni nho nharakhu shoradess?!"

Raditz steps back from the edge of the structure, terrified. "Gohan… I think we found someone even stronger than you…!"

"Does it really count…? Gogeta is a fusion…"

"Either way… He could destroy everything right now, if he isn't careful!"

Tsurumaitsuburi Lavascape

Broly looks up at Gogeta, quietly terrified. Everything he's done… everything he's fought for…! Useless?!

"*sigh* I gotta say Broly, you turning into a Super Saiyan 2 really surprised me. You really are the Legendary Saiyan. But… It wasn't nearly enough to deal with me like this."

"Tch! Then prove it! Stop WAITING AROUND! KILL ME!"

"Hmph… huh?!"


The two's eyes are outwards, towards a spot in the distance. Magic crackles! Energy flickers as the sky turns completely black! A shower of sparks and light…!

"What in the-?! Fusion! What the hell is that?!"

"I-it's the Dragon Balls! Freezer must've figured out how to use them…!" he says, as he turns to the saiyan. "Which means… I have to finish you quickly." Broly falls back, wheezing as his opponent… no, his conqueror stretches out.

"BIG BANG…! Ka…!"


Cheelai stares at the seven orbs glistening with magical power. Knocked flat on her bum, she looks back at her equally confused compadre as a massive green figure shoots up and out, wrapping around the sky itself. Her eyes drink in the sight of the dragon's head lowering towards her, glowering with primordial power…


"Y-yeah, Lemo, he said wishes! W-what do I say first?!"

Lemo can barely be heard over the rushing winds. Cheelai squints, looking at him before turning back to the dragon ("Me…!").

"A-all right, dragon! I wish… for a top of the line spaceship!"



In the distance, she hears the saiyan's, the other one's battle cry ("Ha…!"). Lemo screams at her to hurry up: Freezer could come out at any moment!

"D-dragon!" she shouts, her hand resting on the new spaceship. I wish… (Me…!) for you to save Saiyan! And send us back to the planet we found him, please Dragon!"


The absurdly powerful beam rips through the atmosphere and into the depths of space. The entire population of Earth cowers, panicking at the sight of the pillar of light. Gogeta screams, pumping every ounce of energy he can into the beam.

"Kai… kaioken times twenty!"

The blast burgeons and expands, blowing up to twenty times its size. It shreds the fabric of space itself as it passes…! For the few seconds it is sustained, before Gogeta (*pop!*) suddenly ceases to exist.

Goku and Vegeta lay on the ground, panting in their base forms. They laugh deliriously, feeling their lack of energy.

"Did… did we get him, Kakarotto…?"

"I… dunno…"

They pass out.

Freezer's Ship

"Yes! YES! They're gone!"

"My lord, perhaps you should hurry. Other fighters may approach soon."

Freezer huffs, before simply blasting his way out of the throne room. He is in a hurry. Goku and Vegeta are incapacitated, but he is quite sure he would like to have his wish granted as soon as possible. He slams into the ground before Shenron, steaming with energy.



"Grant me immortality, as so I may become everlasting! And secure myself… as ruler of all creation!"

Freezer cackles as the dragon looks down, eyes shining with energy. He feels it! Yes! YES! The power! The unending–!



The Emperor of the Universe stares, his face frozen in a rictus of shock. He lowers his tail, twitching his eyelids.

"W… What?!"


"No! No no NO!"

Freezer proceeds to have a mental breakdown as the dragon's visage fizzles, before finally disappearing. Berriblue sighs from the window, preparing to call down some expendable mooks to retrieve her lord.

The Earth is safe, for now.
