Throughout the Seventh Sector of the Universe…
North-Eastern Quadrant Border: Cooler's Ship
Salza: "Monsieur Cooler! It seems zat your brother Freezer is destroying ze planet Vegeta!"
Cooler: "Very impressive, killing of a bunch of monkeys. Any liquored up hillbilly with a shotgun could have done that at the zoo."
Salza: "Well, sir, it seems he has missed a single ship, only recently launched from said planet! We are within range to intercep-"
Cooler: "No. Let it go."
Salza: "But… why?"
Cooler: "Because if he's going to whine to our father for control over the entire Quadrant like a spoiled little shit… then he's going to accept the responsibility for this. If it comes back to bite him… that's his fault."
Shorty: "Did you hear that?!"
Nappa: "Hear what? Something wrong?"
Shorty: "We got a message from the Freezer Force! A meteor collided with Planet Vegeta, and… what?! … Our whole world was obliterated!"
Scarface: "Gah!"
Nappa: "Uah! Impossible!"
Scarface: "That means most of the saiyan race was completely wiped out…! But how?! They should have detected the approaching meteor!"
Gumori: aka New Vegeta
Paragus: "Broly… Broly, you saved me… us…"
Broly: "Daaaaaadaaaaaa! I-I-I… I want to go home!"
Paragus: "Broly… you're the one who took us from home. As it was being destroyed. That is impossible, son."
Broly: "NOOOOOOO! I! Wanna! Go! Home! NOW!"
Paragus: "B-Broly! We're all friends here… W-w BROLY!"
Lakasei: "Turles! Turles! Sir!"
Turles: "What, is my ship ready?"
Rasin: "No, no! We've received reports… Your home planet looks like it's been destroyed!"
Turles: "What, Vegeta?! I was never happy on that world, but still… hm, Lakasei!"
Lakasei: "Yes sir!"
Turles: "Gather as much information on the events around it's destruction as you can!"
Lakasei & Rasin: "YES SIR!"
Shima: "Tarble! Gure!"
Tarble: "Mama…?"
Shima: "I… sure, Tarble, sure. I have… bad news."
Gure: "Uwah…? What is it?"
Shima: "I don't know how to say this… but, your home planet was destroyed, Tarble."
Tarble: "… You mean I get to stay here, with you guys?"
Cretaceous, a few minutes later
Shorty: "Prince Vegeta… unfortunate news from Lord Freezer. It seems that… that Planet Vegeta was hit by a large asteroid earlier today and… and destroyed."
Vegeta: "And? You're sure?"
Shorty: "A-affirmative. As of right now, we are the only confirmed survivors."
Vegeta: "Oh, really?"
Scarface: "Would… would you like to send a reply, sir?"
Vegeta: "No. No reply."
Raditz: "Well I guess we're pretty lucky, aren't we? It's a good thing we got this assignment when we did and weren't at home…"
Vegeta: "Ergh, well I guess now I'll never get to be King Vegeta…"
Nappa: "Vegeta, you have a brother, don't you?"
Vegeta: "Oh, yeah, I wonder if he got blown up too. Pfe, not that it matters."
Scarface: "And you had a brother as well…"
Raditz: "Yeah, but he was just gonna be a lower class warrior… he was still at home sleeping in a nursing capsule. A disgrace… … Wait, I think mom said they sent Kakarotto off the planet in a pod though. Oh well, I couldn't care any less."
Onio: "Did you see that, babe? A giant explosion just occurred…"
Honey: "Don't worry about it baby, we're busy, remember~?"
Onio: "I'unno, babe, that mighta been planet Vegeta."
Honey: "You have something more important to do, don't you? That 'Kuriza' kid?"
Onio: "Right, right…"
Unknown Planet
Breet: "No! NO! NO! NO!"
Breet: "Beets… How could… Freezer…? WHY?!"
Grenn: "RIIIIGOR!"
Rigor: "Whaaat, old man?!"
Grenn: "Where have you been? The rebels have been closing in on us for-*GACK*!
Rigor: "Listen up, bub. I don't have to take this shit from you. Sit down or shut up, capiche?"
Grenn: "damn… saiyan…"
Jinkousei… Zenyark… Rithica... Rygol 7?
Naranja: "He's dead."
Patata: "What?! When, how?!"
Naranja: "When we… when we tried to infiltrate the ultimate control room. I'm sorry, but Lord Col won't be joining us anymore."
Lechuge: "Oh, damn… what are we supposed do when those warbots find us?! Or… or if Freezer's men come back for us and see that we haven't been killed?!"
Naranja: "Don't worry, don't worry… I know exactly what to do…"
Earth: aka Terra
Gohan: "Wha…?! Oh my goodness! A little boy! What're you doing way out here, little fella?"
Kakarotto: *cries more*
Gohan: "Hm… heheheh, whaddaya know, a tail! Heheh, strange fellow. Don't worry, I'm a little odd myself, believe it or not~."
Kakarotto: *giggles before kicking him in the face*
Gohan: "Oh my! You're a little stinker aren't ya~? Goodness, you should take it easy on me! I'm old enough to be your grandpa yaknow! Now… let's see…"
Kakarotto: …?
Gohan: "Ah, yes, I see! I think I know what to call you until I find out where ya belong, little fella! Look, how 'bout I call ya Goku?"
Goku: *laughs and pats Gohan's face*
Gohan: "Oh-ohoho, you like that, huh? All right then, Goku it is! Hahaha, wee! What a good little boy!"