Bardock Crew's Transport Ship
"Bardock?! Oh, you're awake! Yo!"
"Uhwah…? Hey, Leek. Where…?
Bardock looks around the area, before sitting up on his haphazard gurney. It's just a towel draped over his seat, really. It looks like… he's in the front of the ship?
"Well, we're on the ship on the way back to Vegeta. The assignment's complete, remember? Tora and Fasha hoisted you onto a gurney after you had that stroke or something. They figured you'd rather be in the head of the ship when you woke up instead of the posh captain's quarters."
"At least they know me… how long was I out?"
"It's only been a few hours, actually. The scans showed that you didn't even need a healing pod."
"That's good, I guess. So - why back to Planet Vegeta, o talented pilot of ours? Can't go straight to our next job?"
"Actually, it looks like pretty much everyone's been recalled," Leek says, surreptitiously checking the Scouter feed. "Not sure what it's about, but Freezer himself apparently wants every saiyan up and ready to go."
"Freezer, huh?"
Bardock thinks… and then notices a chill running down his spine. A concentrated dread, barely even noticeable above his subconscious.
"Leek… why are we we going back, again?"
"What? I just said - Freezer recalled all the saiyans. Geez, maybe that stroke did more damage than we thought…"
"… Leek, take off your Scouter. Something's giving me a bad feeling about this."
The ace pilot of the Bardock Crew glances at their leader out of the corner of his eye; he looks totally serious and, for what its worth, rather sober.
"Geez, sure, okay. What's up?"
"Look, it's just suspicious. Why would Freezer need every saiyan alive back on Vegeta? If he had something to say he could just announce it over the Instant Transmitters. Or if he had new weapons or supplies for us, there's no reason we'd all have to pick them up at once…"
"This is a little paranoid, don't you think?"
"No more paranoid than that freak Freezer can get."
"I guess that's true."
"Conquering planets has been the way of life for the saiyans, right? Ever since the Tuffle War, it's how we've made our fortunes. Even when the Arcosians stopped being our 'generous benefactors' and annexed us, we've still been able to snag a good chunk of the profit."
"Yeah, but King Cold snapped us up a pretty long time ago."
"But even with how profitable it's been… We've never really been happy working together, have we?"
"Heh, that's true too. I can't think of a single saiyan who likes Freezer."
"And the Freezer Force, not to mention the PTO as a whole have grown extremely large. They could probably get by even without us annoying saiyans."
Leek's eyes widen as he sees what his commander is getting at. "W-wait, you think he might be planning to exterminate us?! T-that's crazy!"
"Well… Freezer's crazy. It's a possibility, am I right?"
He laughs nervously; "Oh, man, Bardock, you're too much. That stroke really did a number on you, huh?"
"Suit yourself, man," he says, leaning back in his chair. "I'm just saying, I've got a hunch…"
Thirty Minutes Later: Spaceport on Planet Vegeta
"Yo! Welcome back; didn't think ya'd make it out of there alive, ha!"
"Shut up," Bardock grunts, shading his eyes as he looks up at Kajaio; the hot white sun of Vegeta.
The bulky former battle brother looks a mite offended; Leek interrupts; "Sorry, man, Bardock's not really feeling so great right now. He had a stroke towards the end of the mission."
"Oh, geez, huh! Get well soon, I guess."
"… Hey, Taro."
"Uh? Yeah, Bardock?"
"Do you know why everyone's gotten the order to return to Vegeta?"
The saiyan puts his hand to his chin, scratching in thought. "Beats me. Maybe… maybe they've found a fortified world! One so protected that it'll take every saiyan alive to conquer!"
"That must be it! And here you were getting me all worried, Bardock."
Bardock grunts, before departing; he still feels uneasy. He's sure his crew will understand once they wake up from hypersleep.
"Oh, now that you guys mention it… Bardock, I heard that Freezer's cronies have been asking around about the Super Saiyan."
"The Super Saiyan…? Like the one in the legend?" The Legendary Super Saiyan. An entity said to arise once in a thousand years, wielding power beyond anything else in the universe. But why would... Freezer...
Oh, gods damn it.
"… That's it!"
"What's it?"
Bardock glances back at Leek and Taro; "Free-"
"See the horror of your end, just like we HAD TO!"
The last words of Toolo suddenly ring out in his mind's eye, clanging around Bardock's skull. The fledgling psion screams as he clutches his head in his hands. Leek lets out a strangled shriek when he notices that Bardock's eyes have gone totally white.
"Yo, you okay?!"
Their words wash over Bardock unnoticed as he catches glimpses of an unknown future, while his delirium drags him towards unconsciousness.
"… now that my head is starting to clear, visions."
"Taro told me something was up with you…"
Freezer's Ship
Freezer watches as Vegeta's ship warps off to their next assignment on Cretaceous; he and a few other hand-selected saiyans will carry their race's servitude on past the rest of their kins' mandatory retirement. The Emperor of the Universe glances at the fidgety scientist besides his hoverchair, half-listening to his prattling.
"Well, Lord Freezer, we've investigated extensively into the rumors of the legendary Super Saiyan… and the Saiyan God. ... But, from we can tell they appear to be only myths!"
"Oh, wonderful! I expected as much, buuut I can't have even the slightest cause for concern at this time."
"So, then, are we calling off the attack?"
"Ohoho, you are hilarious, Kikono~! After all the trouble I went through to get almost all the monkeys in one place? No, this is the perfect opportunity to rid us of the saiyans once and for all! Though…"
"Yes, Lord Freezer?"
"The worrying band of monkeys who took Kanassa… do make sure they are disposed of prior, wouldn't you? I'd hate for them to meddle and... say, alert someone. A filthy monkey planet of someones. Essentially, I would appreciate it if they weren't nearby to interfere."
"As you wish, m'Lord. I'll send them to…?"
"Hm... Planet Meat would be a splendid decoy; we've needed that planet cleared out anyways for quite a spell~. Tell Dodoria to prepare an ambush."
Planet Vegeta: Royal Health and Science Complex
"Good god, if he keeps this up he's going to end up stronger than the King!"
"No kidding! This Bardock, he comes back from every mission half-dead! My gosh!"
The earen technician and shienil doctor chat over their patient's healing pod, cautiously reading the data being collected.
"I think he needs to be retested, Malaka. What kind of crazy low-level soldier could go to a planet like Kanassa with only a handful of men… and actually take it in just a few days?!"
"I agree, Planthor! This case is exceptional."
The visiting Tora leans over, looking at the comatose body of his oldest friend. "How is he, Malaka?"
"Let's see… well, you see, he's perfectly fine physically. Mentally, though, I'm not so sure! There's a slight abnormality in his brainwave patterns…"
"His brainwaves? Damn, those psycho-fish must've done something…!"
"That don't sound too good, Tora. We should handle dis one without 'im; Meat shouln't be much of a problem to purge, and it was a special mission from Freezer himself," Shugesh pipes up.
"Right, okay, we should be fine on meat," he says as he turns back to Bardock. "Well, goodbye, old friend. See you when we get back."
And with that, Bardock's Crew departs for the last time. Since this should be a quick mission they get in their individual pods; Leek stays behind, ready to enjoy a day off on Planet Vegeta.
Ten Minutes Later
The earen sits back in his chair, sipping some tea. It's true that being a slave to the saiyans isn't the best fate, but at least he landed a gig as a doctor. Some of the other servants don't even get health benefits.
His reverie is broken by the sound of rapid beeping; eyes darting across the room, he discerns the cause. Bardock's brainwaves are unstable! He lurches out of his chair, coughing, ready to do his duty as a healer even while on lunch…
"Malaka! MALAKA! Something serious is… damn it, he's freaking out!"
The saiyan warrior writhes in his healing pod, screaming in the fluid. Bubbles explode out of his facial orifices as he has what looks like a very violent seizure.
Planthor takes a deep breath before jumping into the fray, hitting all the necessary buttons on the monitor. The tubes disconnect one by one, leaving the thrashing body floating weightless in the green liquid. He throws open the hatch; the water bursts out and the patient crumples to the ground.
"Bardock, Bardock! Are you all right?!"
The saiyan's eyes flutter open, seemingly over what had just happened in his sleep. "I…what…? It was like I was having a nightmare… but I wasn't asleep. At least, I don't think I was asleep."
"You gave me quite the scare, Bardock. I think it would be wise to take it easy for a while, this injury might last."
"Oh, you do? Well, I wouldn't know, I'm not wise."
"You aren't?"
"Oh, I think you're quite wise. How else could you take on the assignments you do and still come back in one piece?"
"I know how to fight, that's all. It doesn't take a ton of brains to be a great fighter. Which reminds me… where's Tora? I think I heard him here earlier."
"Off world. You and your team were actually ordered on to a mission, by Lord Freezer himself! It looks like your work has finally gotten you some of the attention you deserve."
"What, Freezer?! And those bums just take off without me, huh?"
"Bardock, no! You still need to rest. You really should sit this assignment out. We don't know if you could have another stroke or seizure."
"… You're right. I guess I'll just prepare for Freezer's arrival."
"Prepare? How so?"
"It's a surprise… Actually, Planthor."
"Is my son still here? Er, Kakarotto, the small one?"
"Ah, yes, your youngest! I'm afraid not; he just passed his eighth-cycle a few days ago. He was taken out of his state incubator for placement in a personal nursing capsule. His mother came by just a little while ago to pick him up."
"Hm, that at least saves me some time. Tell Malaka I said hi."
"Can do, Bardock."
Border of the Slave Quarter: Meat Distribution Center
The green alien slumps over the counter; obviously a slave, but one that looks like they're rather well off for a xeno on Vegeta. Dendretta was a pleasure slave, and did not exactly enjoy her position (as she much as she would rather have been with her husband on their homeworld). However, this version of the individual at least, was lucky enough to be treated relatively well by her owner. Chishan, one of the heirs of the Grand Vizier, was a relatively stable saiyan and one who let his consort mostly do as she pleased. Aaand today, she was out shopping for meat.
"So anyways, Gine, I heard that mission on Jinkousei's finally being aborted. Or was it Zenyark? Whatevah, the one you met your hubbie on. Ships are pulling out pretty quick; that crazy Naranja bitch won't be bothering you two anytime soon, eh?"
"That's awful, Dendretta! Even if she was… unstable, we still shouldn't just leave saiyans to die!"
"Gine… you're nice and all, but (yeah gimme that salami - oh and the bacon) but most of you saiyans are… well…"
The small woman sighs as she lops off a slab of meat. "Yeah, yeah, I know… but it's still wrong to just abandon them, especially since a Freezer Force assignment is the reason they're there in the first place." Her customer shrugs as she packs the meat away, taking a small bite for herself.
"Gurl, see you around~."
Gine waves goodbye, before promptly swiveling around. She whistles, jamming her butcher's knife into a slab of ironturtle meat and starting to wash up.
"No warm welcome, Gine?"
"Eh?! Bardock!"
She turns around, eyes sparkling as she alights on her husband. It's rare for saiyans to have truly loving relationships, but Gine was always a bit of a special case. As for Bardock, they were battle partners for the short time before she retired. His repeatedly saving her from Jinkouseian machine mutants might have been a factor in her affection for him; she glomps him voraciously.
"Hey, hey, I'm here," he chuckles before pushing her off. "Man, the place's busy, huh?"
"Yeah, it's not often that everyone's back. Except for the rest of your crew, and prince Vegeta's team all the saiyans are back here."
"Prince Vegeta…? His is the team that Raditz got assigned to, right?"
"Actually, you're right! I'm surprised, Bardock: I didn't think you were the type to pay attention to your kids like that~," she playfully chides him before planting a light kiss on his cheek.
"Huh, so he's offworld… how's the other one doing?"
Gine raises an eyebrow before smiling softly, "I didn't think you'd remember Kakarotto… what's gotten into you?"
"A stroke."
"Oh, I heard. I like the new you, though~. Maybe you'll be a loving father."
"You wish. Where is the tyke, anyways? I heard he was removed from his incubator."
"Yeah, that's right. We moved him into his fluid enhancement pod just a bit ago. Come on, he's in the back!"
He stumbles as his wife very enthusiastically grips his hand and pulls; despite himself he cracks a smile. The other workers at the Center chuckle at the display, more amused than annoyed at Gine's sudden departure.
When they reach their quarters, Gine glances around furtively before opening the door and pushing him in. The glowing yellow pod sits next to her bed.
"Geez, he's kind of small…"
"I think he's a late bloomer. He looks just like you, though~: he certainly has his father's hair."
Bardock gazes into the glowing pod, putting his hands up to the infant inside. Kakarotto opens his eyes, blinking; he places his hand against his father's. The warrior feels something well up inside him.
"… Tonight, after dark. I'm going to steal a pod."
"Eh?! Planning on having another one already~?"
"No; a space pod. Two, actually; one for me and one for Kakarotto."
"W-what?! You can't take him off the planet! He's only just gotten into the second part of his incubation; he can't even talk yet!"
"I'm sure he has potential; he'll probably be sent offworld anyways. I'm going to at least see to it that he grows up on a decent world."
Gine blanches; maybe, just maybe, that stroke could have affected him for the worst. "Bardock! He is way too young for that! Even if you chose a pod with, like, growth fluid in it-"
"Gine! I don't think we can afford to wait much longer!"
"What are you talking about?!"
"Freezer! He's… afraid of the legendary Super Saiyan."
"The legendary Super Saiyan…? That… that's just a children's fairy tale, Bardock!"
"I know. But the thing is… I think he's still bothered by the legend. You know how much of a paranoid freak he can be. I just have a feeling, that death is on its way for us."
Gine's eyes widen and her mouth starts to gape- but she then scowls, leaning against the bedframe, "Alright buddy, what's really going on here? Did something happen while you were on Kanassa? Did… Naranja get in touch with you or something?"
"I… look, you want the truth? The extended, uncut truth, Gine?!"
"Y-yes! What the heck's gotten you so worked up?! About the Super Saiyan, and Kakarotto, and… and Freezer…"
"I… I've been seeing things, Gine. Things- no, not like that, wipe that smirk off your face. Think about where I was. Kanassa, remember? Why did Freezer want that planet, again?"
"To… sell it? Wait, no, are you talking about-"
"Yes, I'm talking about the fucking psychic powers! Towards the end of the assignment… one of them got the jump on me. He… he was skilled. Not strong enough to beat all of us, of course, but I think he knew some sort of magic. He hit a pressure point on me and… soon after that, I had the first of my strokes. And… now that my head is starting to clear, visions."
"Bardock… I… What if you're wrong? Freezer could just be making an announcement… or… or…"
"Why do you think every saiyan has been called back to Vegeta, Gine? Every saiyan except a few groups; the prince's, and my own crew of standouts. Something is wrong here, and worst case scenario… I'd rather have my son be away from the danger."
"B-bardock… I… and you…?"
"I… I'm sorry. I have to follow our crew. To Meat. I have a suspicion… if he's keeping the prince's (all male, I might mention) crew for work… ours must be being drawn off to another world for another reason. I think, a fatal one for us."
The girl sniffles. There two possibilities here; their tyrannical benefactor is going to do something truly awful, destroy the lot of them or worse… or the man she loves, the man she trusts and relies on more than anything has gone bonkers. He wouldn't joke about things like this. It's all she can do to keep from really crying.
"I'm sorry, honey… but… I want our son as safe as can be. A garden world picked out by me, in the dead of night, would be better than him staying here for the Freezer Force to deal with."
He looks at her with slightly watery eyes. As stoic as he is, the commander can't really hide the anxiety; not form his constant companion and one love. She flops into his arms as he sits on the bed. The woman, she finally breaks. She had thought this would be a happy reunion, not an immediate separation of their entire family. She nuzzles into his shoulder as she weeps softly…
"I-if you're wrong… bring him back, okay? G-go get him back… Kakarotto…"
She sniffles.
"I promise, honey. I just want us all to be as safe as possible. Especially, especially Kakarotto…"