Hullo! This is the Verse page. Above is the link to where most of the actual writing is hosted... and below is a relatively comprehensive timeline of all the events of the verse! It's... quite long, and specifically for the Neutraline or Nuclearline timeline of events. And some of it might be retonned, heh.
There are three main calendar systems used in the timeline. The Divine Calender uses the birth of the modern universe as its starting point; its notations are Negative Year for times before time and simply Year for ages afterwards. The second is Grego-Julian, starting with the recorded birth of Jeshua. Its two notations are B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Year of Our Lord). Finally, the Age Calender which starts on the date the Furry Dynasty was founded. It has four notations; Before Age and Age are counterparts to the notations in the Grego-Julian calender. In most timelines, following Age 4748 the notation switches to End Age. However, in the Recusoline the term used is New Age instead.
Dragon Ball specific sagas are listed here.


negative age

Editor is assigned to this universe and begins pulling strings: Negative Year 96700000000000

The Material Universe separates from the Realm of Chaos: Negative Year 72000000000000

Fundamental fields begin cohesively forming, before the first deities begin spawning: Negative Year 520000000000

Elder Goma, Primal God of Wisdom is born: Negative Year 25000000000

The last generation of Primal Gods came into being: Negative Year 20000000000

Majin Buu is born of chaos close to the lower edge of the universe: Negative Year 5000000000

Goma begins the Existence Failure Prevention Project: Negative Year 13000

Strangeworld is created along with the first solid planet and star: Negative Year 12700

Cacao the Brilliant, Primal God embodying beauty dies of old age: Negative Year 12250

Hanuman creates Purimalitus as his servant and an experiment: Negative Year 12000

PRIMALS takes place: Negative Year 11965

Purimalitus moves in with the Strangeworld Oozarus and mates with some: Negative Year 11970

Other gods start to create their own mortal servants: Negative Year 11950

Servants standardized as Angels: Negative Year 11500

Wakboth notices the existence of the Material Universe: Negative Year 1000

Cacodaemon starts booking it for the Lower Sixth Age: Negative Year 998

Daemons of Chaos and Primal Gods enter total warfare: Negative Year 905

One daemon reproduces within the material universe and lays an egg: Negative Year 500

Daemon is mocked mercilessly: Negative Year 499

Primal God of Raw Power uses self destructive finisher, shatters pre-universe: Negative Year 5

Strangeworld is barely reinforced by Goma and Zalama before the blast reaches it: Negative Year 5

Zen'O's egg, the Saiyans, and other groups manages to survive the shattering: Negative Year 4

The false vacuum collapses; all surviving primals forced to condense: Negative Year 1

early universe

The first Coming of Chaos draws to a close, the universe almost stabilizes: Year 0

Universe destabilizes slightly, thirteen distinct primary Sectors of spacetime form: Year 5

The Otherworld (and 'genki field') are generated; Zalama and Goma influence the universe: Year 13

Physical laws congeal; it is clear they vary throughout space and can shift/break over time: Year 18

The Aspect Lords and primordial deities begin to coalesce out of the void: Year 30

Zalama the dying Primal God of Magecraft creates the Super Dragon Balls: Year 41

Zalama infuses his essence into the Super Dragon Balls: Year 52

The Aspect Lords heavily influence the forming universe around what they embody: Year 100

The few mortal races begin to overwhelmingly worship Aspects and Angels: Year 7000

The Omni-King is born into an empty universe: Year 10000

Purimalatus and his kin settle into a few empty realms: Year 10450

The Aspect-Ancient Wars begin between the surviving Angels and the Aspect Lords :Year 12500

Majin Buu awakens for the first time, wreaking havoc across the eastern Sectors: Year 12700

Aspect Lords find the Zen'O and begin to groom it into a figurehead: Year 13000

Aladdin finds the dormant Majin Buu and starts to raise it in his own image: Year 13200

Angels lose war and end up in subservient position, Zen'O seizes true power: Year 13400

Universe begins to calm down; deities reopen Strangeworld and Zen: Year 47000

Matter asserts dominance over antimatter: Year 70000

Deities start seeding the universe with life; come into conflict with naturally evolving life: Year 97400

Aspects spend the next several eons desperately stabilizing the universe's form: Year 370000

Zen, and within it the Divine Palace and the primordial planet Kaishin congeal: Year 500000

Mortal life begins evolving on its own; the first Mythic Deities form alongside them: Year 10000000

The first stars begin to shine, providing life with a reliable energy source: Year 200000000

Saiyans develop S-Cells; the first Supers are thought to exist: Year 260500000

The first galaxy forms due to gravitational collapse: Year 400000000

The first wave of life collapses under universal attrition; only Saiyans survive: Year 1300000000

Cosmological structures like superclusters and filaments start forming: Year 6000000000

Universe expansion begins accelerating due to dark energy: Year 7800000000

Prime is found lurking in the outskirts of reality, and becomes the Zen'O's only real friend: Year 7805000000

Second wave is torn apart; specimens live long enough to become Third Life: Year 7980000000

Otherworld structures start to congeal out of dust and magic with Aspect influence: BC 5980000000

Cosmic Gods place a vague Divine Seed Field to nudge evolution down certain paths: BC 5086000000

The sun is born out of a stellar nebula: BC 4570000000

Earth and its brother Mars coalesces out of dust: BC 4540000000

The protoplanet Theia slams into Earth, resulting in the formation of the moon: BC 4500000000

Divinely seeded life begins to evolve Earth: BC 4280000000

Liquid water begins to spread across Mars due to comet impact: BC 4199500000

Natural life begins to form on Mars; some of it is carried to Earth (or vice versa?): BC 4140000000

Multicellular life develops on Mars: BC 4000000000

Mars's magnetic field fails and inhabitants are forced to adapt or go underground: BC 3700000000

Cosmic Gods rule that naturally evolved life is just as valid as that Divinely Seeded: BC 3600000000

Zen'O is officially crowned the King of All: BC 3122500603

The Oxygen Catastrophe occurs, turning life methane-carbon to oxygen-carbon: BC 2500000000

Earth is completely glaciated, becoming snowball earth: BC 850000000

Prime goes rogue; Sector 14 is the first to be erased: BC 700000000

The first vertebrates evolve on earth: BC 500000000

The Ordovician-Silurian Extinctions occur, wiping out more than half of all Earthly life: BC 450000000

The first animal life to move to land evolves: BC 400000000

The Late Devonian Extinction occurs, wiping out lots of coral: BC 375000000

Ogres evolve in otherworld; Aspect Lords breed the Kaiju Tree on heavenly planets: BC 365000000

The first mortally made Cosmological Structure is built: BC 312000000

The Permian-Triassic Extinction occurs; Xenos preserve some DNA: BC 252000000

The Triassic-Jurassic Extinction occurs: BC 201300000

Newer specific Mythic Deities begin to form out of the void, Aspects create Kaioshin: BC: 99000000

The Old Cosmology is set into place alongside rival or rogue divine systems BC 97000000

The current Kami of Earth creates the Gatchans to regulate civilization: BC 89000000

The Watchers form the first mundane Artificial life form: BC 84000000

Beerus butchers the archosaur population of Terra: BC 75000000

Survivosaurs and prototypical drakons survive in caverns: BC 74000000

Former Supreme Kai of Time, Aeos, goes MIA: BC 73000000

Xxi, a former Supreme Kai, acts as a chaotic insurgent in the Cosmology: BC 73000000

The Second Coming of Chaos begins, Elder Kai is sealed away: BC 72000000

Corrupted Kais rebel to found the Demon Realm; Mechikabura tries to steal the egg: BC 72050000

Chronoa is promoted to Supreme Kai of Time for hatching Tokitoki's egg: BC 72000000

Demigra tries to use Tokitoki for himself, and is banished: BC 72000200

Beerus and Liquir stops the Second Coming of Chaos and destroy Xii: BC 70000000

The Eridian's homeworld of Pandora is glassed, causing them to scatter: BC 69000000

Chaos corruption really starts leaking throughout the universe: BC 68000000

Several Eridian 'Vaults' are created throughout the Southern Quadrant: BC 67600000

Godzillasaurus evolves, alongside several other 'kaiju beasts': BC 67000000

The Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction occurs; surface dinosaurs almost wiped: BC 66000000

zeroeth age

Ra Moon rebels against the Watchers: BC 65000000

The last of the Eridians join forces with The Watchers to suppress the Robotic Rebellion: BC 6499700

Sunstar is sealed away on a distant moon: BC 6499600

Watcher Guardians hunt down remaining stardroids and police the universe: BC 64991000

Ra Moon's survivors forge the chaotic Carrier Corps: BC 63000000

Pureworld Misado is created by the Supreme Kais of Sector 7: BC 55000000

The Galactic Republic is founded by the last remaining Watchers: BC 40000000

The Watchers die out, leaving the Watcher Guardian Robots as space-cops: BC 37000000

The Warrior somehow awakens on Pandora as it drifts out of stellar orbit: BC 35000000

Confident that the Watchers are doing a job, the Kais take a more passive role: BC 34000000

First documented case of mortal provolution: BC 30000000

The Immortal Cult is founded; The Carrier-Immortal war occurs: BC 28000000

The Old Cosmology really begins assimilating or pushing back rival pantheons: 25000000

Earth's Mythic Heaven is created by local gods; Izanagi creates Japan: BC 25000000

Galactic Republic discovers space-warping technology: BC 21000000

The Warrior successfully reproduces asexually, starting off the Glaeris race: BC 17000000

The first documented wholly electrical artificial intelligences recorded: BC 12000000

Planet Eater Moro runs rampant throughout the Sector: 7000000

Aladjinn, the Aspect of Chaos, abandons his spot on the Council to rule the Demon Realms: 7000000

Australopithecus afarensis evolves, the first ancestor of humanity: BC 3900000

Babied strikes a bargain with Aladjinn, summoning Majin Buu: BC 3200000

Bibidi awakens Majin Buu and slaughters the kais of Sector 7: BC 3000000

Grand Supreme Kai seals his soul away: BC 2999999

Under the earth, Silurians evolve from troodon descendants: BC 2400000

Homo habilis evolves, and humans go paleolithic: BC 2100000

Homo erectus evolves in Africa; fae emerge from the Hells around the Solar Tree: BC 1800000

Homo heidelbergensi, or halflings evolve: BC 700000

Homo sapiens sapiens evolves from Homo erectus: BC 500000

Homo sapiens neanderthalis diverges from Homo sapiens: BC 630000

Homo sapiens sapiens almost goes extinct due to African drought: BC 580000

Homo sapiens denisova diverges from neanderthals: BC 400000

A rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence emerges in South Quadrant: BC 230000

Magic reaches Terra, causing strange speciations such as Homo sapiens laruvir: BC 140000

Homo laruvir is sufficiently different to be given its own genus Laruvir: BC 137000

Laruvir corium vespertillo and Laruvir corium aquam, batmen and mermaids, evolve: BC 120000

Laruvir arachno nepa and Laruvir arachno octo, scorpmen and driders, evolve: BC 110800

Most of the self-sufficient Human Demon races have evolved: BC 110000

Faeries assert their dominance on Terra: BC 100000

Seamaids diverge from freshwater 'atlantean' mermaids: BC 98600

Laruvir sapiens simia, or 'cave men' evolve: BC 97000

Certain drakon survivosaurs escape, becoming dragons: BC 90000

Neanderthals decrease in heavy number as the world grows warmer for a time: BC 80000

The Race enters an apocalyptic war with the Irken Empire: BC 77000

The Toba Catastrophe causes a nuclear winter; Atlantis basically nuked: BC 75000

Gilgamesh shows Carpenson how to use bone to burnish leather; TOBA takes place: BC 74980

Gilgamesh the Fae-Killer and his companions stop attempted faery total domination: BC 74960

The Menehune hobbits drive the Nawao neanderthals out of Hawaii: BC 44000

Neanderthals go extinct, leaving Homo sapiens sapiens the dominant human race: BC 32000

Urd, Skuld, and Verdandi do something important: BC 31500

Certain humans develop elemental 'jing', Homo sapiens solaris and noctiluca: BC 31000

The alien empire inhabited by The Race is dismantled by Watcher Guardians: BC 30500

first age

The first true human civilization forms in North America, Atlampia: BC 30000

Humanity enters the bronze age with pre-Netopan Roman tools: BC 27000

Atlampia advances to crystallic grown structures and togas, with advanced computronics: BC 25000

Romans enter the iron age, while Atlampians and others learn to use bronze: BC 24300

The Cosmology consolidates rule over most rival divinities and becomes undisputed: BC 23000

Netopan Rome invents kinetic firearms; Atlampia invents crystallic lasguns: BC 21000

Mythic Realms officially treaty with the Cosmology to be left alone in the Hells: BC 20000

Ra Moon is discovered by and sealed away with a cult in Central America: BC 19700

The indus valley is warred over; Karachi is hit with a Brahmastras Bomb: BC 17000

The Mu Civilization of psions declares independence; Australia becomes Mu-Stan: BC 16909

Solarians and Lunarians invent Plasmatic Solar Guns and Pile Drivers: BC 16700

Hanuman, an ancient saiyan, slaughters his way through Lankha: BC 15500

Roman Empire of Netopia officially founded in Italy, and becomes Atlampia's primary rival: BC 15000

Gatlers invented; crystallic lasguns become able to fire most frequencies: BC 14500

The last ice age ends, and the world begins to warm: BC 14000

Deep under the sea, Laruvir vir pisces and their counterparts Laruvir pisces vir evolve: BC 12500

Humans evolve the ability to utilize genki derived ki; it goes unnoticed for millennia: BC 10000

The Akudama Empire founded in Japan: BC 7400

The Mu use their advantage of psionic radio to colonize several outlying regions: BC 6700

The Great Deluge occurs as Lake Agassiz bursts: BC 6400

Cosmology divinities displace local Terran gods, though remains quiet among believers: BC 4000

Local physics shift; reality/magic is now subject to manipulation by belief and perception: BC 3900

The Akudamans invent gunpowder: BC 3500

The first official transformative Human Magicians, Homo sapiens magicus thought to exist: BC 3200

The Akudamans invent steam engines, though they take them with them when they leave: BC 3100

Civilizations like Mound, Sumer, and Egypt form in the cracks between the powers: BC 2200

The first handshake is invented by Sumerian dignitaries: BC 2100

The Immortals, extremely corrupted mortals invade Terra: BC 2050

The Cucuteni-Trypillia, a civilization of refugees, form: BC 2040

Some of the Immortals reveal the existence of 'vampirism', a peculiar magic disease: BC 2030

Doropie, a powerful witch, leads a revolt against the Akudama Empire; magi get sealed: BC 2022

The Akudama Empire, with its higher tech transportation, abandons Earth after the revolt: BC 2020

The pharaoh defects to the Immortals, becomes the Opawang: BC 2012

Nonsapiens races retreat from Immortal invasion, humans stubbornly remain in place: BC 2010

Gensokyo is unofficially founded as a refuge; Grenades are invented; HUMANITY'S INDIGNATION takes place: BC 2009

Lunarians engineer the first youkai, based on natural Spirits; The Warrior finally dies, slain by its more and more powerful offspring; A WMD blasts dark areas and manifests the Doomsday Phenomenon; MAKE WAY FOR MODERN RACES takes place: BC 2005

Lunarians never bother to explain the difference between youkai and spirits/terrenials: BC 2004

The Silvery White Knight manages to defeat Vanargand and seal him in the moon: BC 2003

The Immortals bring down the First Age of Man, but in turn are driven back: BC 2000

Vampires and demons and undead continue to plague Earth for generations: BC 1990

Istrakan becomes the HQ of the remaining Immortals; the Sol City is taken over: BC 1950

Hel becomes the leader of the Death Clan of the Immortals: BC 1930

Ringo, premier vampire hunter, is turned and thought dead: BC 1896

San Miguel is barely saved by Django's assault on Istrakan and the Death Clan: BC 1882

The Shadow Clan destroys San Miguel and plot to release the Eternals: BC 1881

Data life forms from an alternate line assist (against?) resurgent Immortals; Netline diverges: BC 1880

The Demon Clan Immortal Ratatosk attempts to rule with Vanargand; Lunaline diverges: BC 1879

Trinity returns to this timeline and assists Solar Boy Django against Ratatosk: BC 1879

The last of the Ancestor Pieces is done away with; one remains in Sector 13: BC 1870

Egypt's middle kingdom finally falls, the Mythic Deities it used to support itself vanishing: BC 1710

The Mediterranean civilization finally collapses under demonic strain: BC 1200

Atlampian Civilization finally collapses for good, via a weapon of their own devising: BC 1100

Elemental and Atlampian Crystallics are lost for several eons: BC 1078

second age

The last true fields of Wild Magic are iced by the GoDs: BC 1060

The last of the Immortals are hunted down by the Watcher Guardians: BC 1050

A possible precursor to the beastmen, Moon Rabbits are discovered: BC 1025

Egypt fails to truly replicate Atlampian Crystal Computers, but creates PharoahMan.exe: BC 1000

The nonhumans outside Gensokyo, especially genies, begin interbreeding with humans: BC 900

The Lunarians emigrate to the moon; Solarians go extinct: BC 200

Magical genes create populations of 'magi', humans with an affinity for magical expression: BC 150

Spartacus leads hundreds of thousands of slaves out of the Roman Empire: BC 71

Birth of the prophet Jeshua, son of Yenma: BC 0, Before Age 3000000, Year Fourteen Billion

Spartacus founds the Empire of Germania: AD 2

The Western Roman Empire falls: AD 476

Firebrand saves the pocket realm of Makai from Destroyers: AD 478

Astaroth kidnaps Princess Prin Prin in Albion: AD 499

Akudaman clockworks are discovered, and mechanical engines become more common: AD 500

Sir Arthur crusades against the demons in Albion, and then throughout Europa: AD 500

Youkai attempt to invade the moon but are crushed by the Lunarians: AD 518

The Empire of Germania and their Orthodox Church persecute Magi: AD 570

Grandson of Arthur, the magi Rosenkreuz is born: AD 571

Toyosatomimi no Miko is born: AD 574

M-GENE takes place: AD 582

Genies mingle with the population around Sequin Land before leaving for Otherworld: AD 590

Rosenkreuz leads a revolt against the Empire to secure magi rights: AD 601

Saitō Musashibō Benkei is born: AD 1155

The Akudama Empire gets into conflict with the remaining Eridian Guardians: AD 1171

A tank falls out of a Star Rift near Sequin Land: AD 1180

Risky Boots attacks Scuttle Town, steam-engines are reinvented by a notable machinist: AD 1200

Humans at large enter the steam age: AD 1245

The Blades of the Rose Cross rebel agains the Empire: AD 1460

Grutte Pier is born; Gotz von Belichingen is born: AD 1480

Legendary warrior Tlahuicole is born in Tlaxcaltec: AD 1497

The Youkai Expansion Project occurs: AD 1518

The rogue planet carrying The Destroyer falls into a black hole: AD 1590

Physics shift again, slightly; magic as a background force is fading and must be generated: AD 1600

Frumplequest, a spanish Homo laruvir, manages to become a conquistador: AD 1640

The Akudama Empire and the Watcher Guardians engage in devastating warfare: AD 1670

The United States of America declares independence: AD 1776

Humans enter the machine age and exponential advancement becomes noticeable: AD 1880

A few Mythic deities flee to Gensokyo as a way to get away from the main Cosmology: AD 1810

Emperor Norton is born: AD 1818

HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT takes place: AD 1884

Gensokyo is partitioned off from the main world and officially founded: AD 1885

Senkai is created, at the same time as many other hideaway pocket worlds for supernaturals: 1898

Legendary sniper Simo Häyhä is born: AD 1905

The last magical races on Earth hide away in pocketworlds or Gensokyo; Jack Churchill born: AD 1906

The Haber-Bosch Process is perfected: AD 1909

Chevrolet is founded: AD 1911

The assasination of Archduke Ferdinard spirals the world into its first pan-global war: AD 1914

Humans first split the atom and entered the atomic age; El Santo is born: AD 1917

Horace de Vere Cole invents Fool's Day: AD 1919

The first particle accelerator is built: AD 1920

The second world war begins: AD 1939

Humanity enters the jet age: AD 1940

Laruvir piscis lava evolves near hydrothermal vents: AD 1943

World War II causes the Harukei Barrier to weaken: AD 1945

Meistersingers almost completely conquer the West Quadrant: AD 1946

Sonic weapons are invented by the Third Reich of Germany: AD 1947

The digital revolution occurs, causing technology rates to skyrocket: AD 1950

A godzillasaurus awakens and wreaks havoc on Japan: AD 1954

Thomas Xavier Light is born: AD 1958

Lunarians panic over the Apollo 11 'invasion', barrier-time dilation becomes apparent: AD 1969

Particle accelerators are repurposed as Particle Cannons: AD 1975

Primitive handheld ion guns are created: AD 1978

The internet is invented, laying the groundwork for communication for decades to come: AD 1983

Light and Wily receive their PhDs in Robotic Engineering: AD 1986

With Wily winning funding over him, Light participates in Street Fights for cash: AD 1987

Akudaman Scouts take out the last few mages in the outside world: AD 1989

Shadaloo attempts world domination; the Soviet Union falls: AD 1991

EMP Shielded computronics are world-standard: AD 1993

Light and Wily found LightLabs together: AD 1995

Mikhail Sergeyevich Cossack receives his doctorate in Electrical Engineering: AD 1998

The Akudama Empire begins to invade Terra; ki enters popular consciousness: AD 1999

Doropie, the last magic user in the outside world, guerrilla wars against the Akudamans: AD 1999

Ryu is converted into the first cyborg in an attempt to preserve his life: AD 2001

Dan Hibiki sacrifices himself stopping the first major RoboTerrorism attack in Kyoto: AD 2001

Reimu unknowingly becomes ageless, to be a shrine maiden for eons to come: AD 2002

The Scarlet Devil Incident occurs: AD 2003

Solar Busters, based off the Gun del Sol, are invented: AD 2004

'Line-of-Sight' particle teleportation is invented; primitive 'matterverters' first invented; A NEW AGE takes place: AD 2005

Dr. Light and Dr. Wily's artificial human prototype escapes: AD 2006

Dr. Light creates the first functional android, DLN-001; matterverters applied to weapons: AD 2006

With Robot Masters, space exploration experiences a boom; 'energy elements' are found: AD 2007

The Powerline, Warline, and Hackline diverge due to Time Skimmer exploits: AD 2007

Albert Wily is 'offed' by a version of himself from an alternate timeline with a Time Skimmer: AD 2008

Albert Wily instigates a robotic uprising, the first of many; 'microbots' invented: AD 2008

Teleportation Interdiction Fields are developed and put into wide usage; aircutters invented: AD 2009

True lasers and 'lightning toss' weapons are officially cracked via electrofluid expulsion: AD 2010

Fatal water cannons, 'water cutters' invented; effective tractor beams become common: AD 2012

Ra Moon reawakens, and is defeated by the hero Mega Man: AD 2013

Inefficient force fields are invented by studying Doropie's magical defenses; REMNANTS OF WILY takes place in the Hackline: AD 2014

Fortenium is discovered; Bass is created: AD 2015

One of the last Watcher Guardians, Duo, eliminates concentrated chaos energy from Earth: AD 2016

X is created but judged too dangerous to use, and sealed in a capsule; FLAYED CORPSE OF SLURPEE takes place: AD 2016

Wily is declared legally dead after a failed experiment destroys his base (and Doropie): AD 2020

Sapient robots are outlawed from being built or researched for several decades: AD 2021

Light dies of old age: AD 2040

Half of the British Isles are blown to smithereens when the power network is overloaded at teatime: AD 2046

World War III breaks out due to Neo Nazi revolutions; The Dictator asserts himself: AD 2052

The NewSSR enters the gray: AD 2054

Flash Fields are invented, incredibly tough force fields which last only instants: AD 2058

The Dictator escapes to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism; SPACE!: AD 2059

Dr. Cain receives his PhD in Archeology: AD 2078

The last of the Watchers, Duo, perishes in a final battle against the Carriers: AD 2081

Dr. Light's final creation, X, is unearthed and used as a basis for new androids: AD 2116

Zero, Wily's final creation, is unearthed; The entirety of the planet uses the Metric System: AD 2118

Sigma, one of the new 'reploid's' leaders, rebels against humanity: AD 2119

Repliforce and its constituents such as Colonel and Iris are created: AD 2130

Sky Lagoon, the successor to Aeropolis and a floating city, slams into Earth: AD 2130

Space exploration is once again booming, and colonies are formed: AD 2139

The Eurasia space colony crashes into the Earth, and the Nightmare Virus is unleashed: AD 2140

The Eurasia and Nightmare devastation has been mostly cleaned up AD 2170

Lunarians panic again and double down on their shielding; humanity remains unaware: AD 2175

Humanity spreads throughout the system with the Jakob Project: AD 2200

The internet starts to break up due to distance: AD 2202

Force Metal revolutionizes reploid engineering: AD 2203

Zero seals himself: AD 2214

Cyber Elves are created by analyzing EM-Being visitors: AD 2235

Arcadia, a City-State bastion of knowledge for humanity and others is founded: AD 2240

Casaba Howitzers are invented, alongside mininukes: AD 2255

Weil steals the Mother Elf and instigates the Elf Wars, leaving most of the planet razed: AD 2260

Zero's body is totaled and used to create Omega; Zero reawakens as a copy: AD 2261

Without Earthly support, all space colonies (save for Lunaria) collapse: AD 2263

Zero seals himself away again, telling X that it is for good: AD 2264

third age

Neo Arcadia is the only truly functioning bastion of civilization left, lead by X: AD 2280

The internet is officially dissolved, with only internal networks remaining: AD 2283

Gensokyo slowly begins releasing species in a bid to rejuvenate the biosphere: AD 2290

X sacrifices himself sealing the Dark Elf in his body; Copy X created by Ciel to figurehead: AD 2310

Zero reawakens after having been sealed, and leads a resistance against Neo Arcadia: AD 2360

Elpizo attempts to harness the Dark Elf to solve the energy crisis: AD 2361

Omega returns and ends the small truce between Neo Arcadia and the Resistance: AD 2361

Area Zero is found at the Eurasia crash site, and humans leave Neo Arcadia en masse: AD 2363

Weil's core is found in the Outlands: AD 2370

Reploids and humans are joined as biomechanical humanoids under new law: AD 2390

Biometal, and the Biometal Models created by Ciel and hidden away: AD 2420

Innerpeace is a new state at Area Zero; the Sage Trinity acts as an international leadership: AD 2490

Slither, Inc is founded by Serpent: AD 2500

Serpent attempts world domination utilizing the power of Model W Core: AD 2510

Master Albert gathers fragments of the W Core in a bid to become the ultimate Mega Man: AD 2518

Concentrated Nukes and Nuke Turrets are invented; purely proof of concept, of course: AD 2720

Power armor makes powerful reploids obsolete: AD 2900

Fortenium reactors removed from reploids; Fusion Film efficient enough for individuals: AD 2920

The ecosystem is restored for the most part; Gensokyan Osmosis certainly helps: AD 3050

Antimatter can be reliably generated: AD 3300

Human brains become psionically capable: AD 3700

Laruvir subterra, molemen, evolve from batmen; possible Moon Rabbit descent: AD 3900

The first fully functioning Super Railgun is built, though few are produced: AD 4250

Magic-based laser cannons which ignore air are developed: AD 4277

EM fluid cannons are produced and deemed more economical than railguns: AD 4300

Temporary or impact-disabled force fields invented for explosive rounds: AD 4690

Radical environmental reconstruction begins: AD 4800

Elysium is created under the Elder System, based on the Sage Trinity: AD 5200

The first evidence of 'Ultra Beasts' is seen, presumed to be a Guzzlord: AD 5302

Environmental reconstruction ceases as Elysium becomes more tempting: AD 5330

The first modern Glaeris is born after an individual gengineers favor to vacuum resistance: AD 5330

Several groups of discontents spread out across the Earth to found their own settlements: AD 5350

The environment deteriorates once again, without proper care; Elysium thrives isolated: AD 5400

Exotic Matter and Celestial Antigrav are invented and rediscovered, respectively: AD 5470

The magnetic poles shift partially; Elysian hypertechs forcefully fix it for the next several eons: AD 5480

A runaway greenhouse effect floods Oceania and the southern hemisphere: AD 5500

A few isolated enclaves of humans eke out a living in remote regions, including Area Zero: AD 5550

Fae are mostly overtaken by the immortal fairies: AD 5580

fourth age

The Elder System is changed to the Master System when the residents fall to triple digits: AD 5600

Carbons are created as 'biometal canaries' to see if the world is habitable: AD 5800

The Master is the last human born in Elysium: AD 6010

Elysium bioengineers several varieties of artificial human animals: AD 6130

Antimatter weapons are created for the first time: AD 6200

The majority of humans are artificial Homo sapiens carbonem instead of baselines: AD 7800

The Master travels to Earth, now renamed Terra alongside his aid Mega Man Trigger: AD 8700

The Master passes away, and with him the last of the humans in the southern hemisphere: AD 8705

Elysium falls due to the effort of Mega Man Trigger, on orders of The Master: 8940

High amounts of Elysian and other ancient tech is discovered on Kattelox Island: AD 8960

Chevrolet selects the immortal consciousness Gustave as its next Holy CEO: AD 8966

Barrell Caskett and Verner Von Bluecher are taken to Antarctica, now named Calinca: AD 8969

Remnants of the Master System still manipulate events on Terra and in Carbonem; WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE takes place: AD 8970

The deep caverns break and survivosaurs begin to return to the surface: AD 8990

An amnesiac Mega Man Trigger, or Volnutt, is found and adopted by the Casketts: AD 8993

Mega Man Volnutt stops the Carbon Reinitialization started by Mega Man Juno: AD 9000

Sera attempts to restart the Carbon Reinitialization Program: AD 9001

Demons and other magical beings begin to refound nations for themselves: AD 9200

The East Antarctic Ice Sheet finally melts away: AD 10000

The New Demonic Empire of Rome is founded by vampires: AD 12090

Antares explodes into a supernova, the light wiping out the vampire regime on the surface: AD 13000

The Wet Sahara makes a resurgence, allowing humans to regain a foothold in north Africa: AD 15000

English begins generating noticeable memetic anomalies: AD 20000

Humanity manages to totally respread across the globe, though infrastructure is lacking: AD 23270

Humanity begins to rebrachinate into multiple species, such as Homo sapiens secretum: AD 25000

Dabura sires Beelzebub, and raises him in Mongolia: AD 25600

The Kawa, Homo secretum percido evolve in North America: AD 26000

Homo secretum aurum, the Aurumoculi, evolve by the upper nile: AD 26000

A group of Kawa spread to the old world: AD 26400

Sandland is founded: AD 27000

The Pitchi imps emigrate to planet Tech-Tech: AD 27125

The Kawa subspecies almost hits a genetic dead end in Asia: AD 30398

NUCLEAR DIVERGENCE takes place; the Lorule realm falls apart: AD 30402

The first Giras ancestors discovered in Sandland: AD 34000

Semi-perfect cell from the Umpteenline overshoots. Badly: AD 30406

The last anti-matter composed organisms are wiped out: AD 37000

A Generation Ship is sent out to the South Quadrant; it eventually lands on Pop Star: 38000

Dragons die out on the surface, though other varieties exist in the caverns: AD 40400

The interglacial period almost ends, but is averted thanks to the work of several kawa: AD 50800

The events of Miitopia take place in the land formerly known as Argentina: AD 54800

The Giras abandon their elemental principles of Solid, Liquid, Solidus, Venom, and Nude: AD 60000

The Kawa begin to dominate swathes of North America: AD 70000

Slug Empire develops Sleeper Ships and spreads throughout the North Quadrant: AD 74000

The Aurumoculi are outcompeted by their Kawa cousins: AD 85000

Sandland is torn apart by neighboring countries for memetic war crimes: AD 85300

The internet is reinvented, and the Internet Archive is unearthed: AD 85700

upper fifth age

Infrastructure is almost totally rebuilt, along with global civilization: AD 90000

Nanotech is outlawed; Nano-EMP Interruption Fields are put into place: AD 90010

Nano-Biotech is outlawed after a barely prevented biological catastrophe: AD 93000

The last heat-aligned Warriortype dies, leaving Glaeris the only extant beings on Pandora: AD 96000

Preserves for human subspecies are created and maintained in various locations: AD 97000

Telepathy is studied to create Subspace Ansibles; a supervolcano is barely suppressed: AD 101000

Hovercars finally overtake traditional automobiles: AD 110400

The Slug Empire discovers how to warp space with magical energy: AD 115000

Luddite mentality from the Elf Wars keeps progression slow and linear: AD 120000

Kais themselves descend to stop the development of nanotech: AD 130000

The Kawa are almost entirely replaced with their descendants Homo secretum terci: AD 150000

Biometal is developed into the more organic artiflesh: AD 150300

Subspace Wormholes are created to facilitate FTL Internet: AD 150343

Humanity amasses power and creates Raw FTL Engines; Alcubierre Drives developed: AD 150370

The reclusive Jiang-Shi type, Homo secretum vampiris, evolve from a group of psykers: AD 150400

Physical laws shift again; magic is an independent force, youkai survive without belief: AD 150500

All belief-derived deities collapse back into mortality: AD 150570

The First Human Empire barely wins a war of annihilation against the Lunarians: AD 150900

SO MUCH TO LEARN SO MUCH TO SEE takes place: AD 150930

An artificial moon is created to regulate Terra's rotation: AD 150950

Radical reconstruction of Terra's geography is resumed; surface is unrecognizable: AD 154000

Mars is finally colonized; native martians contacted: AD 155080

Endocrine boosters are created: AD 158040

A razed Terra struggles to survive almost entirely on cacti energy: AD 160010

Humanity finally spreads beyond it's home system: AD 161020

Humanity relies on MajiCactus Power for several centuries before rediscovering fusion: AD 163020

Yukari decides it's time for the magic to come back: AD 169990

Other than Sadal, saiyans finally go extinct in Sector 7 and throughout the universe as a whole: AD 1699997

A process to generate dark matter is discovered: AD 1699999

The Hakurei Barrier is dissolved, magic and biodiversity flood back to Terra: AD 170000


Animate Inanimate Objects given citizenship rights: AD 170700

A small 'universystem' is created just outside the Kuiper Belt to act as a biological refuge: AD 174700

The Crane Empire breaks off and persists in the Kuiper Worldstream: AD 177000

Pola and Roid deliver certain Cave Man specimens to Old Earth: AD 178700

Homo sapiens legumenisis is engineered; specimens create a Theory of Everything: AD 180000

The first wholly mundane intelligent environment is discovered: AD 183000

Ki usage enters popular consciousness, but treated as unimportant compared to mecha: AD 190000

Earth is fitted with a superstability gyroscope to stop it from changing stuff: AD 194000

Gensyokan Mythics retreat to a personal Hell in response to the Cosmological Treaty: AD 200000

The Undercaverns essentially become a new biological Gensokyo: AD 200200

The First Empire becomes known as the Merchant Empire : AD 200500

New Earth becomes humanity's first interstellar colony, Spirit Portals for a power source: AD 200570

New Earth says fuck you to the universe and speaks Sanskrit: AD 200571

Humanity totally reworks the surface of the planet in order to repair it: AD 200600

Supernatural beings flee for the Hells, New Earth, or other Sectors: AD 200660

Psi-bombs are invented: AD 200666

The Saiyans have been doing nothing much on their colony worlds: AD 200700

The first ki'lectrical theory is formulated, but dismissed in favor of Magifusion Reactors: AD 200780

Shintoism, Christianity, and Cosmologism remain; mythics are scorned for 'being jerks': AD 200900

TORE! is revived as punishment for rebellious 'magickals': AD 201440

The Slug Empire's premier mages create Dragon Ball; GALACTIC DEBUT takes place: AD 201700

The Merchant Empire has a good number of terraformed worlds, including New Earth: AD 202000

Humans begin implementing neural augmentations, regulated by a super AI: AD 2020010

Legendary Baseline Weapon soldier Zhang Yun is born: AD 2020018

The Empire establishes good relations with the Galactic Republic: AD 202100

Mount Rushmore is blown the fuck up: AD 210000

The Empire gets in a cold war with the Empire of Slug: AD 230000

In Sector 12 the Sister Project is cancelled due to poor reception: AD 230400

Norcom becomes the de facto tongue of most of the universe: AD 235004

Lord Shrek becomes the first Slug King to be on friendly terms with humanity: AD 236000

Spacers develop into Homo sapiens stellaris: AD 240000

Gag energy is conclusively proven to exist: AD 247000

Little Doctor Bombs are invented; Kais intervene and scare the shit out of everyone: AD 248400

Aspect Lords fuck up the laws which permitted LDBs to operate: AD 248402

The vast majority of xenos have modified their bodies to become more humanoid: AD 250000

The Chlorine, Nitrogen, Ammonia, and Memetic orders of life driven to nigh-extinction: AD 250400

Humans acquire space warpers; AIs figure out how to tunnel through Sectorial Barriers: AD 260130

Humans or human subspecies are found in multiple Sectors, particularly 2 and 6: AD 261000

Cerberus Pulses are developed by the military after discovering neko majin: AD 270000

The 'first' fully functional hyperturing AI is built: AD 270500

After insulting its creators, the First AI and all derivatives vanish: AD 270505

The Galaxy Soldiers go on a rampage; Atomic Disintegraters are invented: AD 280000

The first Ki'lectric Converter is created by the Ostyrr, or Brench: AD 280700

Humanity spreads to Sector 6 and Sector 2: AD 280709

Atom-Thick structure techniques discovered, causing renewed effectiveness in kinetics: AD 280760

Jormungandr finally takes enough damage to become nonfunctional: AD 280800

Pretty much all existing species have been discovered by the galactic community: AD 283800

Soucom becomes the common tongue of the South Quadrant: AD 287000

Physical laws shift; complete immortality becomes an impossibility: AD 290000

Sparking Lasers are invented: AD 290110

Blink Bombardment Cannons are invented, though limited due to Inderdiction Fields: AD 290150

Animals start to be provolved: AD 290203

The greatest of the Slug and Dragon Clans come together to forge the Book of Namek: AD 290234

The Soft Ones, one of the last ammonia based races, moves to Zalt: AD 290253

Pandora is discovered by a galactic explorer, named 'Arcos' due to appearance: AD 290300

New Earth develops fusion beasts as a food source; Lion Turtles emerge from the hells: AD 291000

Large Wormhole Generators are invented, alongside ways to send them to distant space: AD 292000

The Metric System is replaced by the Planck System: AD 294020

The first entirely mundane mechanical sophont is engineered: AD 294420

The first members of the honorary Sage Clan start to appear on Namek: AD 294920

Pop Star is discovered and becomes a phenomenon, especially its 'chaos emeralds': AD 295900

The Singularity is built in response to quantum networks being overrun with Chaos Virals: AD 297900

lower fifth age

The Singularity achieves sophonce, and secedes from the Empire; WR104 supernovas: AD 300000

Alcom becomes the common tongue of the equatorial West and East Quadrants: AD 330000

Black Holes Bombs are invented, alongside Black Hole Generators: AD 370000

The Arcosian Empire cuts swathes through the galaxy, dismantling civilization: AD 400000

An overused set of Dragon Balls spawns a set of Shadow Dragons for Beerus to kill: AD 400025

Homo sapiens drakensis created as an attempted counter: AD 400050

The Super Nameks are created: AD 400070

Several drakensis specimens rebel and leave for another dimensional plane: AD 400125

Provolution and uplifting is outlawed by Divine Edict and Galactic Republic orders: AD 400230

The Empire's government flees to the East Quadrant while local worlds fall into isolation: AD 400300

The Slug Empire scatters while Namek falls into isolation: AD 400375

The Galactic Republic is shunted to the side and shatters: AD 400420

Singularity builds first Mechanivore, getting control over dark energy and spacewarping: AD 400430

Norcom is displaced by Glaerian in North Quadrant, though Nor, Al, and Soucom survive: AD 400450

The To'ul'h are discovered, and greater Biological Taxonomy starts to fall apart: AD 400470

The first Emperor is offed by a MiniBlink Cannon; Interdiction Fields are miniaturized: AD 400480

NEW EARTH takes place: AD 400490

New Earth eventually goes feral as supernatural threats put pressure on: AD 400500

Neutronium can reliably harvested; Singularity converts its first galaxy to computronium: AD 430000

The vast majority of singularities and mechosystems are assimilated by The Singularity: AD 458500

Haemovores are gengineered Arcosian mad scientists before being deemed useless: AD 500000

Jennamite is invented: AD 520000

The Whills generate The Force in the East Quadrant: AD 54000

Singularitic Star Detonaters are invented; Singularity becomes known as Machine God: AD 560000

Humans in The Empire rebranded Zhell; the Zhell Empire settles on Coruscant: AD 560100

New Earthers begin to diverge, acquiring a unique elemental ability known as bending: AD 600100

Following in the elemental steps of the Celestials, Homo sapiens humus evolves: AD 630100

Arcosians sweep through the universe before settling back down in the North Quadrant: AD 654000

All civilization in Sector 7 besides the East Quadrant remains in isolation stasis for eons: AD 700500

Lord Artic regrets his war crimes and flees the Arcosian Empire to live in isolation: AD 702000

The first non-demonic beastmen are thought to appear: AD 805000

Betelgeuse distracts the Arcosians by nuking one of their fleets: AD 840000

Mighty Switch Force occurs in Sector 2: AD 905000

A megavolcanic eruption occurs, destroying the remnants of civilization on Terra: AD 1000000

The Singularity challenges Zen'O; Sectors 13-18 are erased, and it is reduced: AD 1020100

Humans keep collapsing back to the bronze age upon the rerelease of Gatchans: AD 1040000

Kanten and Meistersingers interbreed and form 'Space Trees': AD 1300000

Singualrity manages to rebuild itself to ten dimensions: AD 1400000

The Father is born in East Quadrant: AD 1550000

Several supergaian and 'huge' races emigrate to Monmassu: AD 1760000

The Force is discovered in the East Quadrant, enabling heightened Psi: AD 1940000

Femtoconstruction techniques developed: AD 1970000

The Solar Tree grows into Mount Five Element; Yggdrasil connects with it: AD 2021040

The Cthonids remain the only nonhumanoid fully sohpont biologically evolved race: AD 2321040

Homo stellaris fortis evolves on an isolated superearth: AD 2400000

Voyager is picked up by a Recooe starship and worshipped as an idol: AD 2460000

Most all memetic, energetic, conceptual, and quantum life forms leave for other worlds: AD 2540000

Remaining nonvertibroids retreat to distant locales such as Pop Star and Nikochan: AD 2570000

A few arthropoid and vermiform sohphonts spread back across backwater systems: AD 2630400

Vermoud becomes a God of Destruction in Sector 11: AD 2760094

The All Universe Hide and Seek Tournament is attempted to be held: AD 2760144

The Zhell Empire wins a war against the Taung for control of Coruscant: AD 2800765

Spirits assert dominance on New Earth, other races form enclaves: AD 2835000

upper sixth age

Yamoshi attempts to purify Saiyan-kind: Before Age 100000

Tui and La manifest on New Earth: Before Age 91000

Gortos the Bloody Triclops is born, and slaughters most of his kin: Before Age 87000

Vaatu asserts Spirits' dominance on New Earth; the Spirit Wilds form: Before Age 70000

Homo stellaris auris, or the Earen evolve on heavy worlds: Before Age 50000

The last cosmological structure-sized solid Genius Loci or Biosphere die off: Before Age 35000

The Tythans establish the Je'daii Order: Before Age 35687

The Rakata in the East Quadrant establish their Infinite Empire: Before Age 34235

Lion Turtles amplify elemental energies in Earthmen and act as guardians: Before Age 32000

The Old Republic is formed in the shadows of the Rakata: Before Age 31000

Ammonia/methane breath species are made into oxygen-breathing carbon-bases: Before Age 29000

First contact between the Arcosian Empire and the East Quadrant: 26000

Physical laws shift; belief is removed from reality, immortality is possible again: Before Age 25000

The Infinite Empire collapses under strain: Before Age 24435

Zhell Starmen discovers how to breach hyperspace with Hyperspace Drives: Before Age 24288

The East Galactic Republic is founded, with Coruscant as the capital: Before Age 24289

The mad wizard Incarn slaughters his way through Sector 6: Before Age 21000

The kais of Sector 6 use arcane and science to regengineer saiyans: Before Age 20900

Incarn is defeated; New Sector 6 Saiyans spread throughout Sector 6: Before Age 20800

Sadal is destroyed in conflict with the Super Saiyan, survivors emigrate to Plant: Before Age 20038

Evil Army and Homo eudamonia, an artificial race, begin their invasion: Before Age 20000

The first Harmonic Convergence occurs: Before Age 19163

Midichlorians are evolved, enabling easy force tapping: Before Age 17000

Aladjinn is sealed by his right hand vizier, Dabura, using Primal Magicks: Before Age 11200

The powerful spirit Raava fuses with a New Earther to become an Avatar: Before Age 9163

Evil Alien fights Mijorin in Sector 7's North 'Galaxy': Before Age 6233

First instances of Homo stube recorded on Coruscant: Before Age 4320

The Charon of Ultra Space wipe out all life besides themselves in their dimension: Before Age 4260

Makyans emigrate to Terra: Before Age 4237

The Sith are first contacted, and the Great Hyperspace War erupts; so does the Mandalorian War: 4235

Central City is founded by ancient kings: Before Age 4230

True Solarians are sickened and leave the sun due to demonic corruption: Before Age 4140

The Ultra Space is breached, origins of a few Star Rifter species is confirmed: Before Age 4104

The majority of nonhuman terragens have migrated to other Sectors: Before Age 4000

The Sun Warriors proliferate through the Fire Islands: Before Age 3500

The J'Ta'ush remain the only evolved nonsolid race in Sector 7: Before Age 3200

Laghima, an Airman, becomes the first human to fly Elementally: Before Age 3163

Thennian headscapes are used as a base for anti-psyker defense: Before Age 3100

The Empire suppresses Thennian Psi-Blockers: Before Age 3080

Flower Country is founded on Neo Japan Island: Before Age 3020

Terra realizes that beastmen have become extremely common: Before Age 3000

The Foggy Swamp Tribe is founded: Before Age 2909

Funny Animals, possibly provolved, begin showing up in force again: Before Age 2905

Sarte deflects a meteorite: Before Age 2733

The saiyans and tuffles are dragged into a rebellion against the Arcosian Empire: Before Age 2300

The tuffles invent Scouter technology: Before Age 1205

Princess Snake moves out of the Mythic Hells and off to Snake Way: Before Age 739

Turtle is born: Before Age 237

Hirudegarn is incarnated on Konats, leading to the Hirudegarn War: Before Age 226

The Tapioline diverges: Before Age 225

The Demon Code prevents Dabura from declining a rock-off challenge: Before Age 220

AI in the East Quad reaches as advanced as it was before the Arcosian Collapse: Before Age 200

Hundun almost starts a Chaos Cult on New Earth: Before Age 164

The Gatchans are finally recalled by the current kami: Before Age 111

Korin the Wonder Cat is born; Paifu and Majin Bubul fight over the fate of a village: Before Age 50

Founding of the Furry Dynasty: Age 0, AD 3000000, Year 14000000000

Fortuneteller Baba begins telling fortunes: Age 250

Guru, the last true member of the Sage Clan, is born: Age 255

The colony of Central City, Orange Star City, is founded in Paozu: Age 257

A rift opens up to the the Undercaverns on Wonder Island, releasing many kaiju: Age 259

King Yenma travels down Snake Way: Age 261

Namek is ravaged by storms and drought: Age 260

The extremely distant Pop Star is rediscovered via Arcosian telescopes: Age 340

Ackman is awakened from his slumber: Age 401

Seward Football is invented by saiyans in Sector 6: Age 420

Master Roshi is born: Age 430

The son of Katas ascends to become Kami: Age 431

Roshi trains under Mutaito and develops a rivalry with Shen: Age 448

Metal Gear takes place in Sector 6: Age 450, C.E. 1995

Beerus visit the planet of King Kai and blows it the hell up: Age 451

Garlic attempts to dominate Terra; the Son of Katas rises to the position of Kami: Age 461

The King Piccolo Wars begin: Age 461

The Remote Land of Konpei is destroyed by Piccolo: Age 463

The Sky Canopy Dominion arrives through a Star Rift only to die: Age 468

lower sixth age

The Dragon Balls are created on Terra: Age 470

The Black Star Dragon Balls are created by King Piccolo: Age 472

Halo Legends: Odd One Out takes place in Sector 6: Age 473

Dabura returns to Terra to inspect Majin Buu's location; standoff with Piccolo: Age 474

The Galactic Empire becomes a moniker for the East Galactic Republic: Age 501

The Resource Wars culminate on Sector 6's Earth, blowing the thing to pieces: Age 532, C.E. 2077

Jiya completes an important mission on Terra: Age 600

Falling Stars takes place in Sector 6 (instead of Fallout 2): Age 616, C.E. 2161

The first Tenkaichi Budokai is held on Papaya Island: Age 650

The Saiyan-Tuffle war occurs; Plant is renamed Planet Vegeta: Age 652

Avatar Aang is born on New Earth; ASSERTING DOMINANCE takes place: Age 654

Air Scooters are invented for Airmen: Age 665

The Airmen on New Earth are almost wiped out by the Firemen: Age 666

Planet Vegeta is annexed by the Planet Trade Organization, the modern Arcosian Empire: Age 667

Fist of the North Star takes place in Sector 6: Age 680, C.E. 2225

Hoi-Poi Capsules are invented and Capsule Corporation is founded: Age 712

Doctor Wheelo is sealed away; Doctor Kochin roams the earth: Age 712

Capsule Corp overtakes Chevrolet as the world's richest company: Age 717

Rigor, a Legendary A, emigrates to planet Yelna: Age 728

Tao Pai Pai begins his legendary career as a mercenary: Age 730

Vegeta the Second is born: Age 732

King Furry ascends to power: Age 733

Minor skirmish between The Galactic Empire and the PTO; HE REALLY HAS LEGS takes place: Age 734

Baby awakens and initiates the Universal Tuffilization Plan: Age 735

The first Saibamen are created by a saiyan scientist; Kakarotto is born: Age 737

Planet Vegeta is destroyed by Freezer; Jaco the Galactic Patrolman lands on earth; BURDOCK GEAR SOLID takes place: Age 739

Baby arrives on planet M-2 and seizes control of Dr. Myuu: Age 740

Antigrav is re-reinvented: Age 742

The Clone Wars begin: Age 743

Editor Toriyama descends to Penguin Village: Age 744

Dr. Senbei Norimaki creates the super robot Arale: Age 745

The Galactic Empire is officially asserted in the East Quadrant: Age 746

Bulma discovers a Dragon Ball: Age 749

Lucifer is defeated by Kakarotto and the gang: Age 749

The Red Ribbon Army is dismantled; Gurumes Kingdom is saved by Kakarotto and Krillin: Age 750

Kakarotto and Krillin visit the Mystic Kingdom: Age 751

King Piccolo is reborn, only to be defeated: Age 753

Kakarotto becomes the Ox Prince by marrying Chi-Chi: Age 756

Son Gohan is born to Kakarotto and Chi-Chi: Age 757

Planet M-2 is overrun by machine mutants: Age 760

The surviving saiyans in the PTO come to Terra; Garlic Junior returns but is sealed away: Age 761

Doctor Wheelo reemerges and kidnaps Bulma; Turles invades: Age 762

Freezer invades Planet Namek; Lord Slug attacks, kills Piccolo; Supers are rediscovered: Age 763

Golden Saiyans are rediscovered by Kakarotto when fighting against Freezer on Namek: Age 764

The Trunkline is diverged: Age 764

Vegeta skips around the cosmos, and destroys the Death Star; Kakarotto stays on Yardrat: Age 765

The Bottomline and the Droidline are diverged: Age 765

Cooler invades Earth, prompting Kakarotto to krump him; MetaCooler invades New Namek: Age 766

Dr. Raichi attacks Earth with Hatchiyak and his ghost warriors; Nappa releases his first film: Age 766

Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan emerges on New Vegeta; The Empire invades New Earth: Age 767

Dr. Gero's androids awaken; Cell holds the Cell Games; Hyper Saiyans are discovered: Age 767

Bojack and the Galaxy Soldiers have been freed, and show up in pursuit of Kakarotto: Age 768

Raditz returns from the dead, Chaos Daemon Cacodemon attacks: Age 769

New Earth beats off imperial forces and becomes viciously isolationist; The Empire collapses: Age 769

Naranja attempts to circumvent Earth's Special Forces; Yamcha gets a student!: Age 772

Broly returns with a vengeance; Majin Buu Reawakens; Kakarotto and Vegeta die for a bit: Age 774

Lord Jaguar attempts to clone Broly; Janemba fucks up the afterlife: Age 775

Hirudegarn is reawakened on Terra; Tarble reunites with Vegeta and co.: Age 776

Beerus, the God of Destruction, attacks Terra; Saiyan Gods are rediscovered: Age 778

Xiuzi, an incredibly powerful demon god does shit: Age 779

Freezer returns from death; Android 21 attacks Terra with an army of clones: Age 779

The Whiteline and Zamaline diverge from Baseline and Trunkline respectively: Age 779

Goku Black and Zamasu attack; Zen'O gains a twin known as Future Zen'O: Age 779

Zen'O holds the Tournament of Power; Broly somehow returns, teamed with Freezer; LEGENDARY AMNESIA takes place: Age 780

The Galactic Patrol extracts the Grand Supreme Kai from Buu: Age 781

Senbei Norimaki invents the first reliable 'instant' or 'kaikai' teleport station: Age 783

Kakarotto begins training Uub and Pan: Age 784

Jiatai the rogue Kaioshin attacks Terra: Age 789

Buu creates a mate for himself named Miss Buu; she outlives him: Age 790

Baby Buu is born, starting the majin race; Broly hooks up with Cheelai: Age 791

Teleport interdiction fields are created; a dimensional arms race ensues (eventually): Age 792

The Telecommunicated Satan-style Martial Arts Course is started: Age 793

Kakarotto is accidentally reduced to child form; Baby goes on a rampage; Primal Saiyans: Age 794

The Shadow Dragons are formed; Kakarotto fuses with the eternal dragon: Age 795

The course is renamed Pan Fighting Network, along with Majuub; Satan Legend is released: Age 796

Buu splits from Majuub, reuniting with his family: Age 797

Planet Yardrat is destroyed: Age 800

The events of Dragon Ball Deliverance occur. Lord Slug is revealed to have been a double-rebel: Age 801

Vegeta leaves Earth and returns only from the dead, claiming to have fought Kakarotto: Age 801

Groundbreaking Science is published and ki enters the mainstream: Age 804

The Kikoukenjutsu Sword School is founded by Gotten and Trunks: Age 805

Rigor returns for revenge; The rogue aspect lord Aladjinn rises only to be beaten to death: Age 805

Piccolo finally becomes the true last true member of the Sage Clan: Age 806

The PTO fully invades Terra; Kakarotto resurrects Oceanus and Nova as familiars: Age 820

The new Turtle and Crane schools are founded: Age 821

MonCal and Quarranese are the decided official tongues for underwater beings: Age 823

Buu World opens as a new theme park and a majin business: Age 825

Senzu become widely cultivated; the first mattergenner prototypes are created: Age 826

Majin Mani Mani fights against Freezer, who invades himself one last time: Age 834

The Arcosian Empire is dismantled once and for all: Age 850

New Namek destroyed by Mira; Demigra awakens and is defeated, Mira and Towa escape: Age 851

QQBang Co. is created as a subsidiary of Capsule Corp: Age 860

Goku Junior and Vegeta Junior become the first evidences of subsaiyans: Age 889

Yardratians emigrate to Earth: Age 900

The final remnants of the Freezer Force expand their hold on Earth: Age 910

The Egg of Evil of the nameks is found: Age 940

The Capsule Corporation History Museum opens; years are spent looking for ancient data: Age 962

Naraku is born, demonic nameks reemerge in force: Age 972

Doctor Hunbalt develops a catalogue of the creatures living on Earth: Age 974

Troublemaker Education is implemented by the increasingly Sub population: Age 975

Popo Stones are put into wide use before becoming heavily monopolized: Age 990

General Bon forms the Red Pants Army: Age 991

Tymbrimi and Vulcans interbreed with elves before leaving through Star Rifts: Age 994

Sho Leigh betrays Capsule Corp. to join the Paella Gang: Age 995

Mira begins to invade the Earth; Sage Piccolo investigates the various evil organizations: Age 998

Dende creates a set of new, pseudo-Dragon Balls with Popo's assistance: Age 999

The Demon Patrol is founded by Trunks Leigh and Chronoa; Naraku is killed: Age 1000

The Hell Gates are opened; Artic makes his life known and spreads his glaeris brood: Age 1020

Cell defeats and assimilates Cell-X while in hell: Age 1100

Kienstructo Sentries and Kienstruco Blade Launchers are invented: Age 1230

The Demon Realm Wars break out; Mechikabura and Towa create a clone army: Age 1300

The New Clone Wars begin: Age 1301

The S Scale is created for more powerful tiers: of strength Age 1305

Relativistic Planetary Destroyers are invented: Age 1340

Kaikai Attatchment Modules are invented to counter RPDs: Age 1360

Very few humans lack saiyan heritage or genemods at this point: Age 1400

Homo sapiens dimidiatus is Terra's dominant species: Age 1410

Xicor, a Legendary C mutant, rises and is pissed off: Age 1500

Shapeshifter University is founded in West City: Age 1555

Beans become widely genned; Ki and HP Drinks are developed: Age 1639

Capsule Metropolis is founded on Omori Island: Age 1660

Planet Yardrat is restored: Age 1700

A supernova is detected in empty space: Age 1720

Elder Kai dies of old age: Age 1774

Kuhn and Snak finally bury the hatchet, along with Yardrat and Metamor: Age 1810

Starmen are almost fully hybridized with bebitan saiyans: Age 1840

Mattergenners become efficient enough for commercial use: Age 1870

The Muuh, the last solid nonsupernatural methane-breath race, migrate to Arcos: Age 1980

A slightly stronger Caterpy emerges from his cocoon: Age 1967

Big Green Threads enters an economic war against QQBang Co.: Age 2002

Terra becomes an economic powerhouse throughout the Sector: Age 2016

The humanitarian Mystic Progress Association is formed: Age 2125

Ki and HP Capsules, in addition to Automatic Damage Capsules are invented: Age 2140

The first Ki Slingers Guild is formed, for subs who like guns: Age 2222

Mecha come into use because 'they're pretty cool': Age 2288

Project Durabil is undertaken, Future Zen'O used as a keystone: Age 2300

Some fucking madman resurrects Andrew Jackson as a bioroid: Before Age 2340

Saibamen varieties gain sophonce; the Cult of Nappa is founded: Age 2325

The Soft and Hard Durabil Fields are set up and physics are stabilized: Age 2350

Penguin Village expands to Penguinopolis, becoming very modern: Age 2600

Giras Village accrues enough economy to evolve into Giras City: Age 2730

Calcio Storico overtakes baseball as the universe's most profitable sport: Age 2750

The Order of Arcos is founded by Glaeris nationalists: Age 2800

The technology to develop repliroids is rediscovered: Age 2805

The universe reaches its ultimate size of 6.46151616000000063e+25 kloms in metadiameter: Age 2810

Nanobots finally invented, though heavily restricted: Age 3010

Blue Goo is almost ubiquitous: Age 3020

Native Terrans become the minority compared to visiting or immigrating xenos: Age 3500

A version of Time Breaker Taro appears only to be destroyed by Kakarotto: Age 3580

Amanese becomes tongue of choice among nonhominoid vocals: Age 3597

The MPA evolves into the Triclops Enclave, using the Korin Hermit's Spring as a base: Age 3620

The Terran Supremacy League is founded by Majin Mecronon: Age 3700

Mattergenners are reliably able to generate antimatter and Items: Age 3720

Vegeta-Go is decided on as the official language for botanical sophonts: Age 3740

Deepspacing and Haloing lifestyles rebound in popularity: Age 3767

Terran Supremacy League releases a the Déscolada and is declared a terrorist organization: Age 3772

The TSL instigates the Terran Crusades, a non-terrestrial racial purge: Age 3775

East City is overrun by TSL sympathizers an converted into their base of operations: Age 3786

Central City hit with an majifusion nuke; Crusades degenerate into the Apocalyptic Wars: Age 3800

A rat race between teleporters/wormholes and force/interdiction fields gets started: Age 3803

The TSL spreads to cyberterrorism; Machine Mutants and androids take heavy losses: Age 3804

The Terran Supremacy League breaks up on a racial basis: Age 3805

Nuclear blasts rocking tectonic plates expose huge numbers of caverns and Star Rifts: Age 3806

The Apocalyptic Wars spreads offworld; Magmatter life forms are first discovered: Age 3807

Metric Bombs are invented and deployed: Age 3808

The last 'gasbag' sophonts go extinct outside of immigrants: Age 3809

seventh age

The Third Coming of Chaos begins: Age 3810

Delta Kroaches start to build starships; Shapeshifter University is nuked: Age 3811

Jingle Village is flooded with refugees from North and East City: Age 3812

Mecronon, former head of the TSL, feverishly travels the cosmos for power: Age 3813

Penguinopolis manufactures their Kroach line; machines rampage through Gondwanica: Age 3814

Mecronon absorbs his Saiyanoid mutant apprentice after a near mutiny: Age 3815

Luud is decimated, but not before Daemons convert it into a Daemon World: Age 3815

East City, home of the now Human Supremacy League, is bombarded to dust and ruins: Age 3816

Omegultimate, the second X Tier daemon in history, is birthed from Mecronon's work: Age 3817

Kroaches begin assimilating Machine Mutants; Autowars start being sighted: Age 3818

South City is hit with a Relativistic Rod, turning it into South Crater: Age 3819

Eternal Kakarotto slays Omegultimate Mecronon and fuses with more dragons: Age 3820

Majinuclear and radioactive fallout starts creating mutants and demons at rapid rates: Age 3830

Kroaches go rogue due to majiradioactive corruption and multiply at incredible rates: Age 3832

The Old Cosmology collapses into chaos under the strain of Chaos: Age 3840

Dissasembler Nanoswarms are realized on Planet Luud: Age 3842

Kroachtech breaks through the Hard Durabil Field; Venus is destroyed within a day: Age 3844

Refugees from Yahoy flee to Yunzabit Heights; Leighs found Yunzabitopil: Age 3850

First instances of Necroa and Flare infections recorded near West City: Age 3866

West City finally falls to waves of Kroaches; Gondwanica is reduced to wastelands: Age 3870

Governments are broken down to the planetary level until they get reorganized: Age 3950

The Wars finally die down as military is redirected towards daemons and mutants: Age 4012

The Human Supremacy League is forced underground: Age 4020

Old Cosmology reorganizes itself as the Kaidom: Age 4060

The Singularity reveals itself to the wider universe as a neutral party: Age 4090

Humanity learns how to directly tap into the power of Durabil and the Realm of Chaos: Age 4130

Terran city-states start to form, many are torn apart by awakened monsters: Age 4199

First conflict between Singularity and Daemonic forces: Age 4127

Counter Chaos Patrol founded in response to widespread incursions: Age 4230

The Recursive Warrior Project begins; ETERNITY IN SERVICE takes place: Age 4232

The Government is founded and swiftly acquires lots of money: Age 4250

First conflict between Counter Chaos Patrol and Singularity forces: Age 4260

TRANSCENDANT SAIYANS takes place: Age 4270

Jawaese and Huttesse experience a surge in popularity in popular trade worlds: Age 4290

Mass resurrection of erased or destroyed persons via Kakarotto's powers for infantry: Age 4300

Singularity figures out how to fuck with the laws of physics themselves: Age 4314

Data entities claiming to be fleeing a 'Data Integration Thought Entity' emigrate to Arcos: Age 4424

Singularity and Counter Chaos Patrol formally allied: Age 4500

The CCP develops Wormrift Deflectors: Age 4512

Muteki Tsuin-Sekai Ken is developed between Hokuto and Ki Blocking practitioners: Age 4516

The Kaidom directly takes control of several planets, forming the Divine Alliance: Age 4520

Industrial Strength Co. is founded by Penguinopolite carbons: Age 4540

The events of that one clip from Drakengard 3 occur; and ONLY that clip: Age 4570

The Vampire Guild is founded in lower Paozu Central: Age 4633

Lord Artic finally passes away from old age: Age 4690

The Singularity assimilates the last offworld Autowar Kroaches: Age 4694

Several Mythic Enclaves petition for admittance to the Divine Alliance: Age 4699


The Terrordactyl asserts itself as dictator of Giras City: Age 4726

The shades of the Arcosian Empire attempt to create a bioandroid, the Supercell: Age 4744

The Vegetan Yunzabitopil dynasty finally crawls to an end: Age 4744

The Time Patrol makes contact with the Nuclearverse; Rift Cannons are developed: Age 4745

The Arena becomes known, and Patrollers first arrive in it: Age 4746

The Xenoverse's incarnation of Chronoa is assassinated by Overclock: Age 4747

The Recusoline timeline diverges due to time travel; Blackline and Goldline diverge: Age 4747

The Material Universe is assaulted by an XX tier daemon: Age 4748, AD 3004747, Year 14003004747

eighth age

The surviving Singularity Nodes acts as parasites, colonizing the folds of XX: Age 4750, End Age 1

Terra is ultimately destroyed; Megamutants spew into Star Rifts and across the cosmos: End Age 2

All planet in the universe are now daemon worlds; every planet in Sector 7 is smithereens: End Age 3

All surviving megamuties reclassified as Transformative Daemons: End Age 17

Kakarotto is obliterated after a last ditch attack is whiff-punished: End Age 24

The last remnants of the Durabil Field are done away with by the XX: End Age 40

Only artificial and prokaryotic life of material origin remain: End Age 55

The XX leaves the former site of the Material Universe, sinking back into the depths: End Age 60

Cosmic background radiation is absorbed by energetic daemons: End Age 70

Bacteria and viruses begin spreading into the realm of chaos on debris: End Age 170

Chevrolet goes out of business, as daemons have no use for trucks: End Age 200

The last Star Rifts collapse under chaotic strain: End Age 220

The vast majority of bacteria fall to Medium Transfer Failure; certain strains mutate: End Age 325

The last star within the universe is devoured; Sectorial Borders have decayed: End Age 500

Arale is finally hit by a Cerebus Pulse and killed; a Singularity Node gobbles her up: End Age 525

The Material Universe is fully resorbed into the realm of chaos: End Age 1000

Singularity officially ascends to XX; becomes known as the 'mechadaemon' Materius: End Age 1200

Daemons begin to be overwhelmed by a surprising threat; THE BACTERIA: End Age 2000

The last of the Orderling Daemons are hunted down and killed: End Age 2222

Materius begins to gengineer chaotic superbugs; Eldritchs notice the frayed edges: End Age 2300

Materius creates a 'strangeworld bubble' for physical nostalgia: End Age 2400

Materius generates a new star; daemons come from lightyears around to observe: End Age 3000

Eldritchs recognized as Cosmic Daemons; edges of Chaos Realm polished off: End Age 2000000

Black holes spread out enough to start devouring nebulae: End Age 3040070

The last scraps of material matter form the Brightlight Nebula: End Age 10000000000

A Superman Crystal is retrieved by Materius: End Age 13000000000

The Zoran Nebula gobbled up by the Sagitarius Hole: End Age 1e+30

The last Original Nucleons decay; Materius officially a transformative daemon: End Age 2e+36

Black holes are the only direct physical remnants of the Material Universe: End Age 3e+43

Materius finds a planet in the middle of nowhere and is fucking confused: 1e+65

The last black hole decays; daemons celebrate the end of property damage: End Age 1.7+106

All material nucleons decay; Materius is entirely chaotic in composition: 1e+200

Materius manages to recreate an entire galaxy out of iron and just sort of hugs it: 1e+1500

Materius ascends to Z Tier, but is so stagnated that he does nothing with it: 1e+10^5

Evil remanifests as a Primal: 1e+10^20

Boltzzdae is born: End Age 1e+10^50

The Afterverse bubbles out of the realm of chaos: End Age 1e+10^10^50

Materius attempts to colonize the Afterverse; Editor Rbade blows it up: End Age (1e+10^10^50)+1

Realm of Chaos disintegrates; surviving life forms spill out into hyperspace: End Age 1e+10^100^100

Editor Rbade confronts Materius: End Age ∞

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